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Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:21 am
Location: Bouton, Iowa

New member

Postby Wishihadknown » Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:47 am

Date of implant: 20 July 2023
Model: AMS 700
Observations: never know if it is completely inflated.
Problems: libido mismatch
History: onset was noticed in 2015. Pills worked for about 6 years. Injections urethral suppositories worked never.
VED worked for awhile then began leaking down quickly even though the rings I used were tight enough I had difficulty urinating for three days afterwards.
Was very fortunate to find a local doctor both experienced and capable as well as flexible for scheduling.

Old Guy
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Location: Ohio

Re: New member

Postby Old Guy » Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:14 pm

Wishihadknown wrote:Age:65
Date of implant: 20 July 2023
Model: AMS 700
Observations: never know if it is completely inflated.
Problems: libido mismatch
History: onset was noticed in 2015. Pills worked for about 6 years. Injections urethral suppositories worked never.
VED worked for awhile then began leaking down quickly even though the rings I used were tight enough I had difficulty urinating for three days afterwards.
Was very fortunate to find a local doctor both experienced and capable as well as flexible for scheduling.

Welcome to the bionic club!
Inflation will take time to learn the feeling of your new erection. If you feel hard enough for penetration, you should be good.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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