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Postby otter17 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:26 pm

I'm 29 (turn 30 next week) and have dealt with worsening erectile dysfunction for about the last 12 years. It began more situational and I was able to have some very satisfying sexual relationships. Now, not so much. I was diagnosed a few years ago with venous leakage by duplex ultrasound. I have no idea what caused this. I am in very good shape, no diabetes or anything like that. I began taking Viagra, Cialis etc. a few years ago and initially it worked very well. About a year ago, I started daily Cialis. I was also diagnosed with Peyronies and placed on pentoxifylline. I addition to the dailies I would pop another 20mg Cialis if I anticipated a sexual tryst. Very sadly, my erection has been weak despite these measures.

I blew it this weekend (via sexual impotence) with someone I was very excited about dating. Other areas of my life are good, but I'm starting to care less about that. I know that I will do whatever is necessary to have a happy and fulfilling sex life, but these failures along the way really hurt, no matter how strong I think I am.

I have another uro appointment next month. Of course, I've had many uro appointments in the past and I'm still stuck in the same situation.
40 y/o straight married guy with supportive wife. Slowly progressive ED from venous leak since adolescence. Pills were a godsend for years, now as the efficacy fades, I am wading into the land of injections and implant

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Re: Despairing

Postby rschweiger » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:43 pm

Hey otter,
Welcome aboard don't dispair try to remain positive. Everyone here has rode the evil rollercoaster of ED(such a nasty disease that strips us of our manhood|
Sounds like u may be a canidate for an implant(ever given any thought to it?)
I was implanted a year ago at the age of 41 after four years of torture from ED and all I'll say is it was the right choice for me(I couldn't take the mental aspect of ED anylonger. I'm sure you will find wht works for you and what your comfortable with.
If you need any moral support you can send me a PM. I'd be happy to talk.
Best wishes , Rich.
Ps. No matter how good other areas of life are, when your dick don't work all of a sudden it takes over every aspect and every thought.

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Re: Despairing

Postby bob1138 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:28 am

Hi Otter,
I agree with rschweiger that you may be a candidate for an IPP (Inflatable Penile Prosthesis).
Personally, I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan in December 2007 after developing ED Post-Prostatectomy in 2004.
The Implant completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the emotional bond with my wife.
As it was for me and my Bionic Brothers on FT, the final decision is yours and yours alone.
If you would like to PM me, I would be happy to share my Implant experiences and answer any non-medical questions.
Best of Luck,

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Re: Despairing

Postby otter17 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:24 pm

Thanks guys for your support. I have thought about an implant and I will likely eventually head down that road. At my age, especially being single it is not a decision to be made lightly and I would like to consider/try all my options before deciding. I have an appointment with a nationally known urologist next month so I will discuss these issues at that time.

In the meantime I will continue to pursue sexual relationships. I have managed sex successfully several times in the past year. As bad as the failures feel, sitting inactively on the sidelines makes me feel much worse. And I love sex! It's nice to know that I will always have options.
40 y/o straight married guy with supportive wife. Slowly progressive ED from venous leak since adolescence. Pills were a godsend for years, now as the efficacy fades, I am wading into the land of injections and implant

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Re: Despairing

Postby tomas1 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:01 pm

otter, sometimes I wonder if there could be psychological roots to ED at a young age?
When I was dating my wife years ago in my early 20s, I ALWAYS pre-ejaculated.
I'm surprised that she married me anyhow, and once we were married that problem went away magically.
Now she's very supportive of me and I may have some psychological issues now, but who knows?
I guess what I'm trying to say is to not rush into something that's irreversible.
Maybe it'll become necessary to have surgery, but at least try to get help before doing it.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Despairing

Postby otter17 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:44 pm

Just thought I would do a quick update. I've met up with this young lady on a couple more occasions and, although it took a fistful of cialis, we have had sex successfully several times. It wasn't perfect and I'm fairly certain that I will eventually require an implant, but it was infinitely better than the physical isolation I've felt in the past.

The whole situation has been frustrating for me and I'm apprehensive about the future state of Mr. Willie but I think I just have to learn to let go and realize I've done as much as I can. I've gone out of my way in terms of time and money to see different urologists (I have another appointment with a nationally renowned one next month). I done everything they've told me to do and taken all the pills. I've done online research, probably way too much. Unfortunately, I think the progression of my ED is largely out of my control.

It's ok, because i know that I will do everything in my power to have a fulfilling sex life, and I'm thankful for the advancements available.
40 y/o straight married guy with supportive wife. Slowly progressive ED from venous leak since adolescence. Pills were a godsend for years, now as the efficacy fades, I am wading into the land of injections and implant

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Re: Despairing

Postby ohohiakane » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:58 pm

Perhaps just one more consideration before you go to the implant. I was amazed at the performance of Trimix Injections were. I am now in my 3rd year of using this great boner maker ! The cost is less than the Big 3 Pills, you can get erect in just 4 or 5 minutes..... you can orgasm and still stay hard for a couple hours. There is no limitations on your diet / drinks beforehand.... no "blue haze" .... no headaches.... just shoot up and GO.

Just to let you know about this option. Ask you Uro when you see him.

P.S. I hope you stay away from the "Men's Clinics" that rip you off thousands of dollars.
75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

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Re: Despairing

Postby irishguy » Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:12 am

Hey buddy how are ya today?
i just want to say i'm 27 and have had ed since turning 18... every urologist and doctor said it was physical and every counselor said it was pyscohlogical...
so i took all the operations, drugs injections, lotions and potions ya can imagine for ed.. i eventually did the night time test although i only got about 2 or 3 hours sleep which wasnt half enough to get a proper reading of night time erections!!
so i went to a pysco sexual counselor for a while and it was the best i felt in years and i was starting to get far better erections than previous years... but because of financial hardship i couldnt continue with the pysco sexual counselor and i fell in to that ed depression... drinking and fucking up my life again.... so eventually i got enough money together and i went to my third urologist and he put me on to a "WORLD RENOWENED" urologist in England....
so i did the night time tests as mentioned above and he said you have no options left.. so i booked the implant operation in march of this year... i got implanted with a 20cm Titan otr.... and if you look at my posts youl see my journey has not been satisfactory to date!!

so im going back to the start again yes the shaft gets hard but my penis is 1" shorter and half" skinnier which i couldnt afford to lose any size i was just about average!!
so my problem now is that the head when with a woman is pure soft and i cant enjoy her playing with me and because of this i cant seem to penetrate.. BECAUSE ive figured out that my problem was more or less completely in my head... so im going back to the pysco sexual counselor to get my glans engorges and so i cant stop thinking and enjoy my girlfriends playing with me....

so what im trying to say is go the pyscological route before you jump into the implant.... please take my advice iv learned the hard way that if i just coped on to myself and didnt get excited about the "only losing a tiny bit" plus the isnt 5.5" hard better that 6" soft bullshit... i have a shaft that is 4" hard but skinnier and a glans that would reach 1.5" that is soft and i still cant have sex... so heed this warning brother and if youv any questions pm me....
best of luck with what ever route you go!!
Age 34 Implanted with a 20cm Titan, Mar 19 2013, By Doctor David Ralph in London England,
8 years with implant and after a rocky start I’m very happy with the implant

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Re: Despairing

Postby Dave48003 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:26 pm

I hate to say it Irish, but I think your doctor screwed up. The end of my implant is about 1/2" from the tip of my penis, soft! It gets closer when pumped, I can penetrate armor plate with this thing!

So, despairing, do your homework and make sure you have a great urologist, one with over 100 implants under his belt. The implant doesn't have to wait until you are a certain age.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Despairing

Postby JDavid » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:24 pm

Echoing what Dave48003 said, the surgeon is one of the most important variables in terms of outcome along with scarring and such in the penis. The tips of my implant are within a quarter inch of the tip of my penis, soft. It is perfectly straight and can be as hard as a rock. Length is the same as before, or close enough, and I was cleared for intercourse three weeks after surgery.
I am sixty-six years of age and dealing with gradually worsening ED for twenty years. At sixty-three I wanted something that worked reliably. I got an AMS 700 LGX implant in 6/25/13. I am entirely pleased with the outcome. My surgeon was Dr. Karpman.

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