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Postby MontanaMan » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:06 pm

Hello. I found this unusual site by googling "trimix penis size" since I'm wondering if my size is why I have to inject so much. Seeing that you all have presented your backgrounds, my condition arrived rather suddenly. My doctor has known me for many years as very active, positive, married 30 years, high sex drive (~270 times per year), 9 kids, never ill. I got very sick with what was thought was West Nile fever that knocked me down for months. The prognosis is that it went into my testicles. A year later, I had no sex drive & no erections, body hair falling out, negative disposition, severe muscle and testicle atrophy, etc.

My wife was scared and cried. Doctor took one look at me, knew what it was. My testosterone had fallen from 1250+ dl/ng to 404 and sent me to his urologist friend, put on testosterone injections that day. Took 2 years to get where I'm at today. Erections did suffer and since I get sinus induced migraines, erection pills were horrific headache producers. Injections work, but not nearly as hard as I was before sick. 1/2 ml of trimix is OK. Sometimes need .7 or even .8. My urologist noted my size when he saw my half erection after the first injection. He felt then that I might need more than the average dose. I didn't ask him if it was because of my size, thus I'm guessing why he thought that. I wouldn't think I'm massive at a little over 7 in. But, he seemed to think so and others over the years have made comments (e.g., military TDYs, etc.).

Looking at this site, I've discovered that I should prep my penis before injecting and regular penis therapy may help. So, I'm going to try that tonight and for a few weeks to see if this was the simple answer.

One very good thing is that my wife is so good to me. She's glad my personality and most physical attributes are back. She tells me how good my erections feel to her. I am so very thankful for her who stuck with me through all this.

So, there you have it. Thanks to you all who have posted some quite valuable info.

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Re: New member

Postby jn1421 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:01 pm

Montana Man,
Welcome to FT. Glad your Doctor recognized your problem so quickly and that your physiology is recovering. Where in Montana are you located? I live in N. Idaho. Come visit the chat room, you can meet some of us and ask questions directly.


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Re: New member

Postby JimStars » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:42 pm


Welcome to the site. I've never heard that West Nile could do what it did to you. Thanks for passing that info along to us. Sounds like you are doing all the right things to get back into top gear again.

On size vs Trimix amount, I am around 7" (on a good day at least) and only need .1 ml (10 units) and that gets up to 100% for an hour or more. So, you just can't go by size alone.

Upwards of .7 or .8 ml is using up quite a lot of your prescription each time for sure. Expensive. About the only other variable on Trimix would be to have your doc increase the PGE-1 amount to a high amount - up to 50mcg/ml or even more. But it could make it ache too much, although sometimes you can get used to it over several months. Do you know your prescription amounts? something like 30mg/1mg/10mcg is pretty standard. Whatever the values are, you could have your doc DOUBLE the PG-1 amount and then try again (starting on your low side .40 or .50 ml?).

Good luck zeroing in on something reliable and hard.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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