LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

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LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby tonydante » Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:24 pm

Hey everybody,
I've decided to sit down and explain my story and ask what would be the best course of action for me. I've suffered a lot because of this and am already thinking of getting an implant sometime in the future because my experience with ED so far and being an impotent virgin at 19 years old has been agonizing to say the least.

Like I've explained in the title, I am a 19 year old virgin from a country in Eastern Europe(don't want to specify too much).

My ED started around the time I first started masturbating. Being a pretty stupid kid, the first kind of anything sexual I stumbled upon was pretty rough porn. Thinking that was the way to go, I began masturbating very hardly and roughly(I remember my penis being and pain and feeling sore), until I heard a pop sound and my erection died down.(I was initially worried that I had done something to my penis, but I shrugged it of and continued with life and just forgot about that incident, keep in mind I was only 12). I also took accutane for a few motnhs when I was 14. I honestly have no idea if it contributed to the ED since by then I had already had the aforementioned incident.

So I went on with my life and didn't think much of this, while my EQ waned over the years. When I had my first sexual experience at 15, I discovered I couldn't get hard for the life of me. And that's when I realised I had a problem. 4 years have passed since then and I have had many other sexual encounters and all of them have failed. I have tried everything possible in that time, doing Nofap for over a year, going to 4-5 doctors and having nothing found, cialis and viagra. Nothing has worked. When I was 17 I also did Kegel exercises for a while because I read online they could help with ED - sadly they made it much worse.

My life has for the past year and a half has been nothing but fighting ED, but it's been to no avail. Reading possible causes, lurking in forums, going to doctors and having tests done. I thought pelvic floor dysfunction was the closest thing I could find to my case, so for the past year I have tried all sorts of therapies and rehab exercises - specialized strength training, the DCT program if somebody has heard of it. This initially helped to some extent but the improvement has never been long-term. I am planning to give pelvic floor rehab exercises and DCT some more time before I deem them completely useless for me, but I am already considering the prospect of an implant if they fail, so I can be done with ED once and forever.

So here are my questions - Has anybody with a similar cause of ED(injury/pelvic floor dysfuncton) gotten an implant? What are the most popular and effective implant models?(I've seen that it's possible to get an AMS 700 in my country - is it an effective and satisfactory option?) Does the surgeon who does the operation matter? Should I just pick something at a reasonable price for my country, but less trusted, or go for a more expensive, but satisfactory option abroad?(I see dr. Eid is deemed as something as a demigod in here, but in order to afford going to the USA and getting the implant, I'd have to save money for the next 2-3 years so I can afford doing that).

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to understand my story and give me suggestions. I will admit I have had a horrible time with this in the past years, but I am trying to stay positive and make something of my life.

One last thing to add, if someone assumes it's all in my head since I'm so young - I don't have any morning or night erections, neither can I get one while masturbating, that's besides all the treatments I've tried.
22 y.o., Eastern Europe. Worsening ED from a very young age, probably after injury. Took Accutane at 14 - probably made it worse. Meds don't work. Implanted on 19.03 by Dr Ihsan Karaman in Istanbul, Rigicon Infla 10AX, 20 cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby JustAnotherYouth » Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:02 pm


I'm very sorry for your circumstances and I feel I can relate to the anguish caused by ED at such a young age being 23 myself.

Have you tried injections? I would try those first and if they don't work or are unsatisfactory it's probably best to go with the implant.

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby bldoink » Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:06 pm

Welcome to the forum. I pray you are able to find satisfactory solutions for your problems.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby Lazy Joe » Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:21 pm

Go to a very good urologist (or better: to 2-3) to find out the exact reason for your ED...

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby Spontaneous1 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:36 pm

Tony, please read the information on the following website. I feel you should see a urologist as soon as you can, and then explain to him/her what happened when you were 12. I believe you may have suffered a penile fracture from what you described, and you should have sought treatment after that happened. I'm sure with being 12 years old at the time that the embarrassment outweighed the need to seek help, and have to come clean about how it happened. I wish you luck in finding out what's going on, and getting some positive treatment.

https://advancedurology.com/advanced-bl ... angerous/#
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby tonydante » Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:36 pm

Thanks to everybody who replied.

Firstly, to the injections suggestion - maybe if I was older I would have considered it, but like I mentioned, I'm 19 years old, and I don't think I can tolerate the thought of having to inject my penis with a needle every time before sex. Also it will be probably really hard to get access to them in my country. I just want a final and permanent solution.

Regarding the urologist and doctor part, as I explained in the post, I already went to 5-6 doctors last year(3 urologists, a pelvic floor pt, a sexual health therapist, did all kinds of tests - blood, urine, semen, doppler, hormones, mri). All of them basically laughed in my face and easily dismissed my problem as being psychological. Even though I have already lost hope in doctors finding something, I am willing to go do another round of tests, while being more pushing for answers. Hopefully I will be moving to a different city for university this year, which should allow me to go to the capital city in my country and get another round of tests done.

Another concern is that I live in an Eastern European country, which means our medicine and doctors facilities are 20 years behind other countries, and the medical attention I receive would be nowhere near the level of the one I'd get in big European countries/the US. The possible implant surgery here is another concern - while it would be more affordable(it would still be a pretty hefty sum), I doubt I will receive the best possible treatment from the surgeon here. On the only website I could find about it, they have stated that the risk of infection is 5%, while most US surgeons state theirs is less than 1%. That's a huge difference in quality in my opinion.

Regarding the suggestion that I could have a penile fracture - I have also researched it, and I doubt I have it. The example photos shown are of purple and grossly deformed penises, and the pain described is intolerable. My penis is pretty normal looking and although I have some pain at the base after ejaculation, it's pretty mild. An injury which I stumbled upon which relates more to my problems is torn penile ligaments - some of the symptoms match mine. I will explore that as well with the docs.

Now, let's mention I don't have any false hopes - even if docs find the cause of the ED(injury or scarring or torn ligaments or whatever), I doubt anything can be done about it - it's been 7+ years since I got injured and I doubt recovery is possible. I've already prepared for the worst case scenario and have accepted I might have to get an implant in the future.

I just want to be able to finally have sex and fully enjoy a relationship, and then move on from this. I hate that the sole goal of my life for the past 2 years has become fixing my ED. I am honestly at the end of my wits. I am tired of all the researching, lurking on forums, going to doctors. I will admit that at times I have felt suicidal about this, but I am trying to keep my mental health in check by being occupied - working, reading, exercising, and socializing(even though it's pretty hard with this problem).

For now my plan is the following - I will do one more line of tests and doc visits. I will also give one more year to pelvic floor dysfunction rehabilitation exercises, doing at least 2 hours a day. I will concentrate on studying, self-improvement, and work. Meanwhile I will be researching ways to raise money for a possible implant. Most importantly I won't let this problem consume my life as I did before - I will allocate a maximum of 1-2 hours of worry time and research per day, and focus on my other goals in the meantime.
22 y.o., Eastern Europe. Worsening ED from a very young age, probably after injury. Took Accutane at 14 - probably made it worse. Meds don't work. Implanted on 19.03 by Dr Ihsan Karaman in Istanbul, Rigicon Infla 10AX, 20 cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:23 am

I don't often chime on in this stuff, and I am NOT diagnosing you, but there are several red flags in your post. First, what sort of pelvic floor therapy are you doing for 2 hours a day? You say you went to a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Did they diagnose you with a pelvic floor disorder? What sorts of exercises are you doing? If you do indeed have a pelvic floor issue (which is certainly possible, since 20% of men have it), you should be doing pelvic floor relaxation, stretching, and stress relief. You should never be doing a Kegel or tightening your pelvic floor. But none of these exercises should take 2 hours a day.

You almost certainly do not need an implant if none of the tests have resulted in anything. Have you talked to a sex therapist?


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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:55 pm

Welcome to the forum, tonydante, and thanks for trusting us with your questions.

Perhaps a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) wih constriction rings might enable you to have intercourse?

I recall that Dr Kramer went to Turkey not too long ago and trained some surgeons. Perhaps contacting Dr Kramer for some names of those surgeons would shorten your travel requirments.

Paul gave good advice. An implant is destructive and irreversible. It will leave you permanently impotent if the device fails (until you get it replaced). If a true cure comes along next year or next decade (when you will stll be under 30 years of age) you will be unable to take advantage of it.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby tonydante » Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:32 pm

Frank Talk Admin wrote:I don't often chime on in this stuff, and I am NOT diagnosing you, but there are several red flags in your post. First, what sort of pelvic floor therapy are you doing for 2 hours a day? You say you went to a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Did they diagnose you with a pelvic floor disorder? What sorts of exercises are you doing? If you do indeed have a pelvic floor issue (which is certainly possible, since 20% of men have it), you should be doing pelvic floor relaxation, stretching, and stress relief. You should never be doing a Kegel or tightening your pelvic floor. But none of these exercises should take 2 hours a day.

You almost certainly do not need an implant if none of the tests have resulted in anything. Have you talked to a sex therapist?


Hey, thanks for replying. I have been exploring all possible cures and suggestions for pelvic floor dysfunction for more than 17 months now with little to no success in improving my ED. Relaxation, stretching, stress relief, resistance stretching, strength training, I have all tried it. About the sex therapist suggestion - I have seen one and all he did was tell me it's in my head. I sincerely don't believe that statement since even Viagra and Cialis cannot give me a good enough erection for sex. I also can't get any kind of erection while masturbating, nor night erections. I simply can't see a reason why a psychological problem might cause this.

That's why the only possible solution I see is an implant in the future. I'll be setting up an appointment with an uro in the coming weeks and will ask for an injection prescription.
22 y.o., Eastern Europe. Worsening ED from a very young age, probably after injury. Took Accutane at 14 - probably made it worse. Meds don't work. Implanted on 19.03 by Dr Ihsan Karaman in Istanbul, Rigicon Infla 10AX, 20 cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby tonydante » Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:39 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:Welcome to the forum, tonydante, and thanks for trusting us with your questions.

Perhaps a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) wih constriction rings might enable you to have intercourse?

I recall that Dr Kramer went to Turkey not too long ago and trained some surgeons. Perhaps contacting Dr Kramer for some names of those surgeons would shorten your travel requirments.

Paul gave good advice. An implant is destructive and irreversible. It will leave you permanently impotent if the device fails (until you get it replaced). If a true cure comes along next year or next decade (when you will stll be under 30 years of age) you will be unable to take advantage of it.

Thank you, I'll take those surgeon suggestions into consideration.

"Perhaps a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) with constriction rings might enable you to have intercourse?" - I sincerely have no idea how to get access to such a thing in my country. Do urologists prescribe them?

"An implant is destructive and irreversible. It will leave you permanently impotent if the device fails (until you get it replaced). If a true cure comes along next year or next decade (when you will stll be under 30 years of age) you will be unable to take advantage of it" - What other options do I have left besides trying injections and then an implant? I have honestly wasted so many opportunities and experiences, so I don't want to wait anymore. I also in no way cannot imagine myself wasting my 20s waiting for a new ED cure.
22 y.o., Eastern Europe. Worsening ED from a very young age, probably after injury. Took Accutane at 14 - probably made it worse. Meds don't work. Implanted on 19.03 by Dr Ihsan Karaman in Istanbul, Rigicon Infla 10AX, 20 cm + 1cm RTE

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