situational ed?

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situational ed?

Postby a_little_deflated » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:20 am

I've had 2 casual hook ups now and my bits wouldn't work either time but i have a "friend " I've known for years, the sex with her is amazing and no dramas. never had a drama with my x. i was anxious going into the 2 hook ups but confident I could satisfy these women, but nothing! how do i get past this?

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Re: situational ed?

Postby Spontaneous1 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:20 pm

So you never had "drama" (?) with your ex, does that mean "everything" worked as it should when you were with her? If you now have a friend with no drama, and maybe no pressure, then it's possible you're having some psychological ED. Anxious maybe equals more mental anxiety than you think.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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