Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

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Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

Postby micromitso » Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:35 pm

Hi guys,

I'm back after 7 years of success with an AMS 700, well actually 6 1/2 !!! Funny story -- so it's Valentines Day in 2020 (before lock-downs set in) and a romantic evening was planned. Customary routine pump-up starts after the usual long-ish foreplay, when suddenly there's a POP; more a feeling than a sound, and I know that all is not well.

Could have been worse timing, I guess, but what made it a big problem was that as soon as the pandemic took hold of our society, my scheduled surgery was postponed, with a sorta "Don't call us, we'll call you."

So come September 2020, and my doc says it's safe to schedule me in for my replacement. I had forgotten most of the discomfort that followed the initial surgery -- well, it all came back to me as the pain meds from surgery wore off. I knew I was in for a few weeks of discomfort before we could pick up where we left off seven months before.

There was good news, however, delivered by the (male) RN that works with the Urologist on his routine visit during my 24-hr hospital stay. So he says, congrats! your wiener is 3.5 cm longer than before. Well I guess 7 yrs of stretching to the max internally had had some benefits, huh? According to the surgical notes "each corpora measured 23.5 cm (9.25 inches for us old-fashioned types). So they ganged together the AMS 700 18cm along with 4cm rear tip extender plus another 1.5 cm. I know some of you guys get off on all that technical stuff, and I just had to share.

So my story is that I married my high school sweetheart 'way back in the mid-sixties, and we had a long and happy marriage with five kids. Sadly I lost her to dementia in the early teens of this century.

Around 2003/4, I had started having some ED, and bore it for a while until my doc said try some of this.... I started with 1/2 a viagra, and even cut down to 1/4 for a while. Wow! and Yay! We did have fun. But prostate cancer radiation treatment ended that and it was limp-ville.

A while after I lost my wife, I started to wonder "will anyone ever love me again?" (I know, how lame is that, and sad, and self-centered but true.) I quickly found out once I met a few women that they liked me well enough, but no one was interested in Mr Limpy -- I had never had any experience with another woman, really! ever...

So what to do?

Explored the options and settled on AMS with my urologist. I worried that it would be a problem for some gals. But no one minded, in fact I know for sure that two of them told their girlfriends/daughters about it. Seriously .... ?

I've been meaning to share my story since last fall for guys who are curious/debating what to do. And to swap stories with other guys living with bionic privates -- I just never got around to it. But lately I've broken it off with the latest romantic partner, and I have time on my hands and time to reflect on where I am and where I'm going.

Probably should have mentioned that I'm in my mid-70s and still going strong without medications or impediments (other than, ya know...) I exercise daily and try to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.

If you've read this far, I appreciate your attention, and I wish you luck in finding the solution you seek. I'm happy to help in any way I can, and will respond to PMs. For those who've found their solution ... well, I'm here to shoot the shit.

Cheers, guys, and best of luck!
Proton beam radiation for PCa June 2012, part of a new clinical trial, followed by doc every 3 months. AMS implant Sept 2013 to treat ED of long-standing. Widower

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Re: Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

Postby bldoink » Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:10 pm

Well welcome back!
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

Postby Lester33 » Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:19 pm

Yes welcome back and we all have a story ;)
IPP on 6/22/2018 by Dr. Perito, Miami, FL.
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free seven years, married fifty years, wonderful sex life

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Re: Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

Postby Leebert » Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:26 pm

Welcome back, any info you can share on here will be an attribute to a lot of others on here.
I'm 65, heart attack w/stent 10 yrs ago, mod.HBP, married 46 yrs, retired.2 strokes.No damage, except start of Ed, Live in Ada Michigan. implanted by Dr. Wise in Grand Rapids mi. Implanted on 9/2/21 with 15 cm + 5cm rte. Ams 700 cx ms pump

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Re: Returning member after Sept 2020 replacement of failed AMS (orig Sept 2013)

Postby henriklehmann56 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:40 am

hello, welcome back!

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