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Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:11 pm

new to the board

Postby Bajasurfer » Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:29 pm

This is Rod. I just went through the surgery and implanted the AMS LGX on 4/8/21. Had quite a lot of pain and after getting home I was back in the hospital for two days. Still pretty swollen, although the Pain is beginning to go away. After my check up yesterday I found out that there is a fair amount of inflammation around the pump and reservoir. I can't take ibuprofen. Additionally, the pump is riding high and the PA suggested pulling down on the pump during the day. So, IDK, just a bit concerned as to whether I am going to get better.... Sorry gents a lot to take in on this first post.

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Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:39 pm

Re: new to the board

Postby Burhead27 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:15 pm

Welcome, my scrotum was the last to be pain free was very painful for at least 2 weeks. For some reason the pain felt more like a skin irritation. I put some cream that was for nursing ladies for sore nipples. Maby it was physiological I do like boobs. It remained tender to sit for about 6 weeks and got steadily better each day. Pump was high in scrotum at first. My pa also told me to gently pull down the pump which I did when I went to pee. Everything has settled now. I lifted my scrotum up before I sat down it helped. I still have pain when I pump daily for therapy the pain is a ache in my penis and I think that will be normal till I reach maximum stretch. Absolutely no pain in scrotum when I pump. Does not effect intercourse as it is firm enough for intercourse several pumps before max pressure. Hang in there things will improve as time goes by. Definitely well worth the pain!
66 Y married to high-school sweetheart. ED on and off 30 Y ( BP meds). Pills, VED with pills Tried injection 1 time in Dr. office not for me.. Unable to have intercourse over 2 years prior to implant. Implanted 12/14 2020. AMS CX 24+1. Happy Camper!

Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:11 pm

Re: new to the board

Postby Bajasurfer » Sun May 09, 2021 12:36 am

When did you start to cycle the pump? Thanks for the info regarding the pump being too high and that when you pee to gently pull downward. It seems that my recovery is a bit slower than that of some of the other members. I guess everyone is different...

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