New from Idaho

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New from Idaho

Postby silverdude » Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:09 am

Hi to all, I appreciate this site, the time that folks spend, moderators, etc., a big thank you. Two years ago I was involved in an explosion and fire, and spent 36 days in a burn unit. Due to the fact that I do not have an extensive, prior medical record, and in good health, I survived, by the grace of the almighty, many angels protecting, and my wife at my side. Another luck that I have been extremely sexually active all my life. 2016 I noticed my erection ability starting to diminish, even tho my libido and desires were always present. 2017, I visited my wonderful doc, and talked about my problem. He suggested TRT, gave me a prescription for Viagra and Cialis. Shooting myself every 2 weeks with 1ml. cypionate. Little jimmy and the twins were doing the job. In 2018, in the burn unit, I was told by my wife that I was puffed up like the Michelin man, and my poor gonads were the size of basket balls. I was only burned 25% arms, hands, chest, and grafted. The explosion didn’t blow my eyes or my hearing. I really had a miraculous recovery, beat the average hospital stay by 30- to 60 days, and my wife had me on a very excellent supplement regiment, and to this day the regiment is one of the reasons I “didn’t check out.” Since 2018 my sex life has diminished, below average libido, and without knowing some of the medical facts, I let wife and myself down a shallow rabbit hole. Over the last summer my sex crazed, 50 year old, wife has been neglected. In November we hunted elk, and were finally able to spend some time alone. I did have some Viagra with me, during the trip, one night, she ravished me, and my performance was poor. She unleashed the krakken so to speak. When we arrived home, I immediately visited my doc to return to TRT, 1ml every 2 weeks, but week and a half is better, and refill some Viagra prescriptions, etc. My testosterone came in at 360, and my libido has returned strong. HOWEVER, I am able to have an erection with the pills, but doesn’t last, and penetration sex is minimal. Semen discharge is also minimal, however orgasms are still existent. I began to research vacuum and constriction devices. Wow, that was an eye opener. Then a few days ago, I stumbled onto various utube info given by urologists around the country talking about ED, and especially speaking about men having great sex until death. Wow, that was another eye opener, and then stumbling onto this site with tons of valuable info. I have an appointment made with a urologist to go thru the entire discovery/testing, and not let my sex life diminish, no matter what it takes to accomplish. I always stated use it or lose it, and thought the aging process was going to take control. If I can survive a burn and an explosion, I can survive the ED issue.
Last edited by silverdude on Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby jn1421 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:43 am

Welcome to FT, glad you found us. Yes indeed this place is a gold mine of information for those of us who suffer with ED. Most of the information here is from other men like yourself who actually 'live' with it and have developed unique therapies that help cope with it all. Don't be shy about digging through the discussion forums or coming into chat. Most of the guys here are more than willing to help by telling their story and directing others where to get more information.
Last edited by jn1421 on Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby bldoink » Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:29 pm

Welcome to the forum. It sure sounds like your burn recovery was miraculous. I pray your Ed journey will be as successful.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby silverdude » Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:43 pm

Thanks for all the kind words and posts on this site. Thanks to those who sent a PM. There is sure a wide diverse spectrum of fellows on this site, answers, problems, cures, etc.

I will give a little update. Since I have been on the testosterone cypionate, my libido sure increased. Am hoping that is not, for lack of words, "the new bride syndrome," ie after a few weeks, it tapers off.

I do take a 100mg viagra prior to intimacy with my younger wife, and my erections are just ok, sometimes not hard enough for penetrative sex. The viagra does not work in the evenings or night time, only on the morning. Therefore erections at those times, are not good, or none at all. My regular DR told me that my natural testosterone peaks between 8 and 10, so that is where we have our best intimacy.

A couple of days ago, we had intimacy in the morning, and of course prior I took a viagra. Then in the afternoon, say 3 ish, the libido of my wife and I started to kick in, I was semi erect, disappointing, but was able to satisfy my mrs with other means. Wondering if I could take another 100mg viagra in the afternoon? I know the warning of every 24 hours. As I stated above, evening and night viagra and erections, somehow do not work. My libido is high at those times. I also remember the good ole days of multiple erections during the day, and sex at least twice a day and maybe 3. When I first met my wife in 2007, we were having sex at least twice a day and sometimes 3 times. With her libido, I thought she was trying to send me to an early grave. Remember I indicated my mrs just turned 50. That is 15 years apart in age.

Some of the fellows here recommended injections, and bypassing VED program. Am anxious to hear what the uro will say on my Jan. appointment. AM still losing weight, I know that will help. The goal is to get off my blood pressure meds.

An add.....cialis also does not work in the evenings and night. Not very workable in the mornings either. Cialis gives me a headache or a mind fog.

Another add...I also believe that from my accident of 8/18, my penis shrunk due to lack of erections and use. I dont know how much, but am sure that scenario happened. I haven't tried constrictive devices as of yet.
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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Location: Southern Idaho

Update... New from Idaho

Postby silverdude » Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:08 pm

Hmmm, went to see uro, I do not have any prostate symptoms, however he did not ask for a PSA test, or give me the "white glove test." I explained my whole story, process, etc, he listened intently. He recommended I take my testosterone shot, wait 4 to 5 days and have my T checked again, as I explained the peaks and valleys. He also recommended a type of Viagra, that a local pharmacy blends, or whatever, as to dissolve under tongue. Works faster he says. Also my weight and blood pressure meds can and probably be interfering with erection quality. He says continue to lose weight, and monitor blood pressure, and maybe get off of them. I explained that sometimes, more often than not, my erection is limited for penetration sex. Not much advise, except meds and weight. I have lost 20 pounds. Now, he also said a VED is good exercise for the penis, and if i wanted to try a constriction ring is popular. Suggested to use the cheap pumps, as for that purpose work as well as the medical grade. Advise on restriction rings was stay away from the Osbon types, and be careful not to have to cut one off. I explained I have side cutters, and enough tools that would scare most people. I asked about Miso type concoction into the penis, and he avoided the subject. I have an appointment with a different uro later this month for a second opinion.

Anyone here has any input, please feel free to speak. I have read many of the posts here, and there is much valuable info.

thanks to all!
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby duck81 » Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:37 pm

I've done it all. New to try is nitroglycerin gel which you apply to head. Works in about 10 min. Wow worked and no needles
Found a pharmacy in LA (woodland) worth a try and costs about 150.00 for 50 plus timrs

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby solvingadream » Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:04 am

Hi Silverdude,

I just happened upon your post. Wow, surprised more did not respond. I wouldn't stay away from the VED and pumps. I use one (with the blue rings, that are the best I've found, although they do have to be replaced about ever 4 to 6 months for best results. In a pinch if your rings are getting to the end of their life you can stack two and they work fine) from . And no, I don't work for them, for the price of a cheap pump they sell the good ones. I'm 63 and fighting ED. The pump with the blue rings work well, and no, you don't have to worry about cutting it off with side cutters! Note that it has two finger handles on each side, you can stretch the ring to pull and get it off. You use lots of lube before putting the ring on the base of your penis, and this aids in getting it off later.

The VED pump and cylinder you can use as a form of penile rebilatation of sorts. You can pump up at your desk for about 10 minutes each morning, or more if you have time. Then add the ring when it comes to sex with the wife. So, it's a good investment.

I've been doing exactly this for a few years. I'm also moving to the Tri-mix shots, but I will still use the VED and blue rings to either exercise my penis, or on days when my wife wants more sex (as the shots are only recommended once every couple of days.).
64 years old. Had a heart attack with two stents placed at 46, atrial fibrillation surgery at 54 years. Doing great now, lost 45lbs on KETO, ED under control with tri-mix, 5mg daily Cialis, and arginine/citrulline 2x a day. And morning wood is back!

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby silverdude » Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:33 pm

Hi gents....A little update on the journey.....

HOWEVER, what I am after, and may never happen, is to be able to return to spontaneous sex, with no pills, VED, or what ever. Pipe dream? My wife is only 50 and i am 65. We travel some on our job, as self employed, and sometimes my precious wife wants to just pull over and get it on. BUT WAIT Honey, I forgot my VED, or I forgot my pills, and if I had pills, you will have to wait, maybe an hour.....LOL,.ya funny....but husband dear, I am really horny right now! Ok precious wife, I love the taste of oral, and can provide that experience to you.....but husband dear I want penis in vagina sex....kinda limp at the moment honey, you'll have to wait.....ya funny....HOWEVER my precious wife understands, and is patient. Just hope the patience doesn't run out.

With VED exercise, and continued use of pills, and maybe more sex, the pills from Cialis to Viagra seem to be working better and my muscle is stronger for good penetration. Sometimes a good constriction ring will last for more time of enjoyment. I have experimented with udenafil and tolerate that very well. I vary the "pills", or rotate is a better word, and have had good luck with at least, good sex every other day.

I also take bee and pine pollen, arginineL. The "pollens" may have increased my output from the older prostate. yes my prostate is in the "antique" category. The arginine has also reduced my blood pressure. Another goal is to see if I can get off blood pressure meds. I am also going to talk to my DR to see if which blood pressure meds are not in the "boner killer" category.
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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Re: New from Idaho

Postby boots1959 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:11 pm

silverdude wrote:Hi gents....A little update on the journey.....

HOWEVER, what I am after, and may never happen, is to be able to return to spontaneous sex, with no pills, VED, or what ever. Pipe dream? My wife is only 50 and i am 65.

Have you considered an implant? I was implanted 3 months ago and now can have spontaneous sex after years of struggling with ED. I feel like I'm a teenager again.
Implanted AMS 700 lgx, Jan 15th 2021. 18cm with 3cm rte.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: New from Idaho

Postby Cajun Jeff » Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:59 am

If you want to be able to have sex on demand the only way at this point is with an implant. It is a last resort and s ray as hell to make that decision. Had mine done 1 year and 3 months ago. Best decision I ever made for my sex life.

Find a good dr that knows the skill and I my case had NO PAIN. Very happy with life again.
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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