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New to discussion board :)

Postby tiburonpup78 » Mon May 25, 2020 12:49 pm

Wow gentlemen, I never knew such a discussion board for gay men existed that was not a sex site, which I don't frequent. So this is very cool. I had my surgery last week, with the AMS 700, on Thursday. My ED was not the norm. I was badly injured and beaten during a hate crime, where the assailant kicked me on my penis, causing intensive internal damage. As a result of that injury, my penis healed at a 90-degree angle to the left. I went through hell with the police over the crime, and my voice was silenced as being gay, and a gay man's penis, is not what the police want to hear about. That was two years ago. Now, the implant in inside me and I am in so much pain. But I know this too shall pass. As for how this will look for the future, my god, I have no idea. But this forum maybe a great outlet to share not just about my physical healing, but the emotional aspect of this device and what my life will look like moving onward. I am thinking about writing a book over the ordeal because of the unique situation of police discrimination over the crime and letting the criminal roam free, but also the failure of the gay community. In these violent situations, there is nothing set up within the gay community for support or advocacy. LAMbDA is a joke and I found this out the hard way, they are useless, so buyer beware! There is more the share as I go but this is a start and thank you to anyone who reads my story. I am very interested in reading more but it sounds like all of you men are very happy with the implant and I find this forum very hopeful. Right now, I am swollen and miserable :) but that is just the physical recovery aspect of it. Take care and I look forward to hearing from some of you.

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Re: New to discussion board :)

Postby SteveSW » Mon May 25, 2020 3:09 pm

Welcome to the group. Very sorry for your ordeal, but you are on the road to overcoming it all. As a gay man, I have felt very welcome here since we all share a serious challenge in common. But I do want to point out that FT isn't a discussion/resource board just for gay men. The majority of the members are straight, while lots of us are gay, or bisexual, and face no discrimination here. We are all sharing in the struggles of ED, and the victories of finding solutions. Again, welcome.
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.

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Re: New to discussion board :)

Postby young_and_impotent » Mon May 25, 2020 3:39 pm

Very sorry to hear about what you went through. Congratulations on taking the decision to get yourself fixed.
Recovery can be hard but you will be completely healed in a while.
28 year old with severe lifelong ED.
Implanted in New Delhi on 26/12/19 with AMS CX (15x12) + 4cm RTE
Post op length 4.5 inches from ~ (5.5 to 6) inches. Disappointed!
Wish to have a revision to LGX some day.

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Re: New to discussion board :)

Postby tiburonpup78 » Mon May 25, 2020 6:18 pm

Thank you for the replies and the warm welcome. This is great because up until now, from my own personal experience, this is a taboo subject in society, about a man's penis. I am not sure why, really, it is a part of our bodies, as with my eyes and hair, but I was met with much resistance in getting support from friends, even the medical community of what I went through after my injury, emotionally, dealing with a terrible disfigurement from the assault. Onward and Upward is my mantra and I am looking forward to getting to know some of you and your personal stories of success for a good healthy life ahead! Thank you again!

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Re: New to discussion board :)

Postby Old Guy » Mon May 25, 2020 8:15 pm

Welcome. What a terrible ordeal you went through, but happy you were able to get things fixed.
Since you just had surgery, yes you'll be sore for a while. Didn't see your age but hopefully you're younger and will heal quickly. My implant took close to 6 months before I felt good.
Yep, here on FT we have no qualms about talking about our penis. It is an important part of every man, and we want it to do what it's supposed to do. As mentioned, there is a Gay section, but other sections may be a good read as well even though most are married or have a SO or g/f.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: New to discussion board :)

Postby Theboyracer » Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:58 am

Hello and Welcome
That is a harrowing story, sorry you had to go through that, but glad that you are on the right path to healing. As a gay man it is something that is always looming over your head and that is something that most people don't realize we live with. Was also implanted with AMS 700 (6/15/20) just curious on how you are recovering from your surgery and a general update on everything else. Can always PM me. teacher here too.
51, Single, NJ/NYC - Colon Cancer at 36, ED issues since, low T. Was on Viagra, Levitra and Cialis for years, TriMix injections 6 months. Bad VL. Implanted with AMS700 LGX MS 6/15/20

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