First Day!

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First Day!

Postby Toddthornton » Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:50 pm

This is my first day on this site!! I am looking forward to getting some 'real' information. I had my prostate removed 4 weeks ago at age 59. I am already somewhat depressed about my sexual future given what I have read online from guys who had the same operation. I realize it's only been a short time but 'it's deader than a door nail right now!! So hello to everyone out there and I am looking forward to getting some honest information.

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Re: First Day!

Postby vladtepes » Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:06 pm

Hi Toddthornton

Welcome and one think I can assure you:
You will get a lot of honest and useful information on this forum.
For me the forum was and it is very helpfull


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Re: First Day!

Postby regguy1967 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:00 pm

Welcome you will find a lot of good info and support here good luck!
50 YRS old Have had ED since 2005 started TRT in 2006 have used androgel, fortesta gels, aveed injections, and testapel implants testapel works the best so far. oral meds never really worked for ED used trimix with mixed results.

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Re: First Day!

Postby Bionic_by_AMS » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:40 am

welcome ... along with the helpful info you'll find here, I found a video (30 min.) that was very informative

Penile Rehabilitation After Cancer Treatment -- Sloan-Kettering
Robotic Prostrate surgery - Dec. 2011 - AMS 700 LGX Implant - 21 cm/3 cm RTE - June 2012

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Re: First Day!

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:35 pm


First welcome. This is a good place and there is a lot of support, humor and experience for you to utilize. My ED, like yours, results from PCa and the robotic surgery. This is a journey and you will find a new normal. Just 4 weeks post- surgery and you are getting in the mood. Should mean you are healing well. Let me suggest you frequently take matters in hand even though he is totally flaccid. It's good for both of you and you can reach a climax without a hard. Wouldn't have believed that myself before the surgery; but it's true and feels amazing when you get your first post surgery "release". That action can begin to awaken the nerves and stuff down there to remember what they use to do.

Also suggest you begin to stretch him out on a regular basis to maintain you length; best done when he is warm so first thing before you get out of bed and when you shower. Remember penile rehab is fun and should be done frequently.

There is a new penile rehab protocol from Baylor. If you would like a copy I will be happy to share with you. Just send me a PM with your email as it is a document file. Since you are so close to surgery you can share with our doc and go for it. One good thing is your age as the younger you have the surgery the better the recovery outcome.

Again welcome

PCa-surgery 10/06

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