Need advice!!

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Need advice!!

Postby verytempted1992 » Sun May 26, 2019 6:18 am

Last edited by verytempted1992 on Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
29. Mild ED since 2018 most likely caused from CPPS. Can still have hard erections and have sex but morning wood is rare and also have PE. May occasionally take Viagra 25mg with good results.

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby franglais » Sun May 26, 2019 8:25 am

I can only speak from my personal experience. I had prostate removed in 2002 at age 52. I tried pills and injections.... pills didn't work at all and injections gave me an erection that just didn't "feel normal." My biggest concern when considering the implant was "will I feel it inside me all the time?" I had the implant in 2010.... spent the night in the hospital and returned home the next day. I never took the prescribed pain meds, as I was able to get by with acetaminophen.... Recovery went without any problems... six weeks post surgery I returned and the doc inflated me completely for the first time. As much as anything for ME, it was a great psychological boost to KNOW that I could get an erection at anytime again.... and now I can keep it hard as long as I want. I have had zero problems with the implant, itself. Sensitivity for me was almost gone after the prostate surgery.... and reaching an orgasm is still difficult... but I would not hesitate to have this one replaced if and when it fails. No signs of that happening at it has now been 9 years. I remember reading that they were good for about 10 years on average.... but, just like with my car at 100,000 miles, I "hope" to get 200,000 miles out of it. I do NOT feel it at all when not using it. The third ball is there.... but I don't "feel it" inside me.... If I stroke my penis, I can feel the cylinders there.... but don't notice them at all during my everyday activities. If I had this to do over again, I would have gotten the implant MUCH sooner. It took me a good year, at least, to wrap my head around the idea of getting it... and I had some very supportive guys from this and other groups who helped along the way with that decision. I hope my words might help you in some way. You are young, so I know the docs want to be absolutely sure they can't find you another solution.... but I knew another young guy about your age who had one.... and afterwards, he was more than pleased! Best wishes!

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby verytempted1992 » Sun May 26, 2019 8:53 am

Last edited by verytempted1992 on Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
29. Mild ED since 2018 most likely caused from CPPS. Can still have hard erections and have sex but morning wood is rare and also have PE. May occasionally take Viagra 25mg with good results.

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby Josephette » Mon May 27, 2019 3:27 pm

verytempted1992 wrote:"You are young, so I know the docs want to be absolutely sure they can't find you another solution...."

This is the problem, I'm young so they assume it's me being crazy. The urologist I saw privately I wanted a cavernosum scan (forgot the special name for it) and a Doppler and he flat out refused to do either as he didn't think it was neccesary after seeing my blood results and an examination (he used some weird tools to detect nerves/blood flow etc).

If a competent Andrologist runs the tests on me and confirms that I do NOT have VL or some other kind of vascular issue, then I'll move on with my life and get the implant thought out of my head. And yes, I'll even do psychosexual counselling

I also think Doctors find me unusual because I'm enquiring about implants yet I can have still have sex (even if it's not the best) and don't take pde5 drugs. I don't understand their problem? I pay them to treat me, not for unhelpful dismissive comments....

I'm more than willing to offer you advice. At the moment i am more than sure NHS doctors will refuse you further treatment unless your situation worsens. Psychosexual therapy is the way forward for now. However, the NHS does take a while and it would be better going private. I can offer you advice on this on the cheapest possible option. I'm currently going through the process and understand it well. I am in a slightly similiar situation to yours but in a bigger mess. I would like to speak to you about going private as I am in the process of looking for the right place. I will PM you and hopefully we can speak about your situation and mine.
UK, ENGLAND. Implanted by Dr David Ralph on September 2020 with a AMS 700 LGX. 28 years old.

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby ImplantMan » Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:45 pm

You don’t need an implant, you need to get help, get out of your head, your insane if you think a implant is a good idea, get your mind right instead of destroying your cock at your age

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby verytempted1992 » Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:31 pm

Last edited by verytempted1992 on Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
29. Mild ED since 2018 most likely caused from CPPS. Can still have hard erections and have sex but morning wood is rare and also have PE. May occasionally take Viagra 25mg with good results.

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby Beachdude » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:28 am

My situation was pretty much as yours. I too suffered from severe performance anxiety. But the anxiety was not the cause, but rather an effect of the issue itself. Had the same discussions with docs, "Oh you just have PE, see a therapist". But I knew something more was at work. Finally I found a Urologist that cared and took the time to do the necessary tests. Doppler confirmed venous leakage. Ironically, I found the diagnosis was a relief in a way. Now I knew it wasn't just 'in my head' all this time. Anyway, my doc discussed implants, but only as a last resort. So we began testosterone replacement ( I was on the low end of the spectrum) and pills. When these did not work, we moved to Muse, the intraurethral suppository. It had a mild effect but not a viable solution. Next was injections. 20 mcg of Alprostatil and I had an erection that I had not experienced in years! After all these years, the injection still works great. I use it in conjunction with a pill and I have a rock hard erection that now has my wife begging for it, and then begging me to stop when she is all worn out. I'm not sure what your objection is to the injection. Yes, at first it is scary. But I found that I really just barely felt it. And I've had zero issues with it.
So before going the irreversible route, I suggest talking to a good Urologist and let him/her give you their suggestions. Just don't be so quick to rule out injections. They did wonders for me.
Trimix (30-3-40) injections in conjunction with daily Cialis. Use VED for conditioning.

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Re: Need advice!!

Postby verytempted1992 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:56 pm

Last edited by verytempted1992 on Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
29. Mild ED since 2018 most likely caused from CPPS. Can still have hard erections and have sex but morning wood is rare and also have PE. May occasionally take Viagra 25mg with good results.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Need advice!!

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Jul 29, 2019 6:58 pm

verytempted1992 wrote:
Beachdude wrote:I'm not sure what your objection is to the injection.

As I said, I want a solution, not a remedy. I don't even need pde5 drugs to get hard so I certainly won't be injecting myself, fuck that.


You asked for advice and then respond intemperately to Implantman when he complies with his opinion and advice and rudely dismissive of beachdude's advice. Why?

The fact that you don't need drugs to get hard indicates very strongly that an implant is more than you need (right now). The best advice here has always been to take the least invasive solution that works. This is wise advice for any situation, medical, mechanical, political, any situation.

You may or may not need psychosexual counseling, but nearly every man who has suffered from E.D. would benefit from it. E.D. leaves effects in your mind, there is no denying that. How bad those effects affect any man varies, but there are effects, have no doubt. You even mentioned that you might have a propensity to dependence on the PDE5 inhibitors and performance anxiety is already in your head. Take that self-awareness to heart. You could use someone to talk to who would give you honest feedback. Besides, a recommendation from a counselor (for an implant, if that is appropriate) would go a LONG WAY towards getting you authorized.

How often will it realistically need to be replaced? Service life runs 10-15 years, though 20 is not unheard of. Sometimes months, but that is usually because of some defect in the implant or the installation. This information is readily available is you read through past threads.

How common is "floppy glans"? Uncommon if the surgeon is properly trained on measuring you. (The term is "sizing".)

Risk of infection/amputation etc? Loss of penile tissue by amputation or infection is extremely rare among patients of experienced surgeons. Pre-op and ESPECIALLY post-op infection control is VITAL.

When I first found this forum I spent a couple weekends just reading through a few years of posts/threads. It was well worth the time. I learned not only the answers to question I had, but about questions I had never (and would never have) thought of. I recommend that journey to you.

Good luck, verytempted1992.
Lost Sheep
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Lost Sheep
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Re: Need advice!!

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:58 pm

verytempted1992 wrote:As I said, I want a solution, not a remedy.

I don't quite understand the difference (as you see it) between a solution and a remedy.

Right now, medical science has no widely reliable cure for E.D. Certain treatments hold promise, but success rates vary from dismal to "worth trying".

Medications, hypnosis, injections, suppositories, vacuum devices, implants, NONE cure E.D (except maybe hypnosis or counseling IF it is in one's head). In fact, an implant guarantees to make it irreversibly worse and permanent because it compromises, damages or removes the essential erectile tissue-corpus cavernosum.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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