New - from the S/W

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New - from the S/W

Postby kkendall » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:54 am


I'm from the cactus patch (aka Phoenix). I stumbled on this site the other day while I was burining up the Google search engines looking for anything and everything I can on the subject of E.D.

I've suspected/known that I have had ED for probably a year. I can get the quarterback on the field, but he's out of the game before the end of the first quarter. With the research I've been doing, I now know what it is, and what I can do about it.

The first several days of reading on the topic I learned a lot, then came the hard part... talking to the Mrs about it.

I know that I'm no less of a man with this issue, but perhaps it's the feeling that this is a very personal and intimate area of life we lose control of and now it has to be brought out in the open with someone else (your partner)... I'll admit, very akward at first but less akward now that I have explained what I have been learning with her.

Anyway - Cheers!

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Re: New - from the S/W

Postby jn1421 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:59 am

Welcome to FT. Glad you found us and are comfortable enough to give your personal testimony. Dealing with ED alone is not good so please continue to open up with your wife and the guys here discussing it as often as needed. I'm sure you also know that there will be times of sadness, frustration and anger trying to figure out what to do and where to go for help. I didn't have a clue how deep the emotions were until I stareted to cope with it all. That's what this place is for; help. And you will find it; we are here for you.

Take a while reading as much as you can from the forums. You will find a lot of your questions already asked with plenty of answers. Also come to the chat room. You will meet a lot of new friends.

Last edited by jn1421 on Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 28
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:42 pm
Location: Phoenix AZ

Re: New - from the S/W

Postby MrSmoker » Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:40 pm

Hola, kkendall
I am also from Phoenix and so is Spartan.We are both PCa survivors and are on Trimix injections.I am not have any success but last I heard Spartan was.This is the place to get your questions answered,I check in several times a day.
Age 77,Married,Prostate cancer 10/09,Robotic surgery 1/10,HT and radiation 8 months,PSA 0.01 since 1/11.

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