Been on the site for awhille

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Been on the site for awhille

Postby Quester » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:28 pm

I've been a member on the site for a while now (19 Nov) and it occurred to me that I haven't done a intro.

Around about 2004 my Erectile Dysfunction which was an on and off problem became a problem that I sought medical care. I was first put on Levitra then later Viagra as time went along the pills became less and less effective until I got to a point that all I got out of taking them was a massive headache. After about a year of basically doing nothing as I was going through a divorce I met my current wife and I continued to struggle with the Viagra and one urologist put me on Testosterone topical treatments. Then along comes the whole T is bad and my primary care doctor took me off it and now instead of an on again off again ED with Viagra I was back to the crushing headaches. Back to the Urology Clinic and I opted for Alprostadil injections. I really liked them for the price of little pin prick a nice hard on.
I was on it for over a year when one time I Injected and nothing happened but a pain in my dick. I blamed bad placement of the needle, as the next time a nice hard on again. The while I was recovering from foot surgery I noticed my basically straight dick had a curve and to me it seemed shorter. Thinking it was just I was fatter due to inactivity I didn't give another thought until my wife mentioned it and I called the urology clinic and was told that I had Peyronie's Disease. The Doctor asked if I had thought about an implant as it would fix both issues not being one to jump to the knife I took the other option of let's wait and try Pentoxifylline. Now 3 months later I had my first follow up and too me the curve is getting worse with a curve up which isn't so bad but the curve to the right side is. The Urologist wants to wait until I hit the year mark and wants me to take pictures from time to time to mark the curve. But said the plaque (scar tissue) was about a centimeter in size and could be larger as it as right at the base. He also said it looks like I may be a candidate for surgery. Any this site is awesome I have learned so much about, surgery, ED, PD and I'm glad there is a peer support group
ED 20 years, Peyroine's Disease diagnosed in 2018, at 57 years I was implanted September 3rd 2019 at the Salt Lake City VA Medical Center, AMS700 CX 21cm + 2cm RTE

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Re: Been on the site for awhille

Postby David_R » Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:34 pm

So glad this site has been a help to you, brother. Please keep us posted as often as you wish. You're in my prayers.

Posts: 90
Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:22 pm

Re: Been on the site for awhille

Postby ChosenOne619 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:41 am

I just wanna say good luck and I really hope you and your wife are happy with the outcome. I am gonna ask my doc about an implant soon.
22 year old male with Ed since I could remember. Tried sildenafil 20mg per pill went up to 4 pills didn't work and side effect were getting to me. San Diego, California where I reside

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