Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby thinktank » Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:35 pm

Beautiful post Montanaman

Masturbation is part and parcel of who we are as men. It was a gift to us as boys, so intense that it seemed spiritual.

And in later years, it returns to comfort us as men and connect the boy in us with the senior male we have become.

And when done in pleasuring our bodies for the joy of it only or when thinking of the wife we have or have had, it is even more consoling when done without lust for another.

Great post, pastor. I wished that I were a member of your congregation at least once in my life.

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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby dtwarren1942 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:21 pm

Perhaps it is the "plaque" or neuropathy caused by my 20 years as a diabetic, but I have had a difficult time masturbating for the past five years. I do not recall masturbating at all last year, though I may have masturbated once or twice the previous year. It appears I have lost some of the sensitivity in my erections. Though I enjoy induced erections either through pumping and/or injections on a daily basis, I only orgasm about once a week. Because of this condition, I now save my endangered orgasms for my wife. For me, solo sex is no longer an option.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby thinktank » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:19 pm


I can understand your dilemma as I am not too far behind you in age.

I applaud you on your saving whatever sexual energy you have for your wife.

As I get older, I find that especially in the early morning, I like to manipulate my cock and also simultaneously, whatever ups the pleasure in my body, like my nipples, and enjoy whatever sensations I can produce that make me feel like a man (or boy).

As you do, I like to save all emissions for my sweetie, but I do find edging and any manipulation of my erogenous parts makes me feel more manly and sexual. Edging ups my libido and makes me hungry for sex with my wife.

I have heard some say that as we age, we men need to learn to make love to our own bodies. It sure helps to feel more sexual to us older guys as we let go of the things of youth.

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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby GaryRN » Tue May 21, 2013 6:17 pm

Masturbation is normal for us 60+ guys. Natural and nothing to be embarrassed about. Right now I am just looking forward to having real sex with my wife after 3 years of zero vaginal intercourse. I have been satisfying her with oral sex, which I don't mind. Even with the ED, I could still work it, where I could masturbate once and in a good month twice. Even after I am cleared to use the implant on June 5, I will probably masturbate at least weekly. My wife does have some weight and pain issues, and at times she has zero sex drive. She is working with an MD on those issues, so I think things will get better. Masturbation helps keep the prostate gland flowing well, keeps the BO lower and helps with depression. It can be only contraindicated if a guy has serious heart problems.

Thanks, Gary


Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby Anonymous1 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:29 pm

I masturbate with free online porn most every morning. And my wife and I have sex every so often. That's how things are nowadays.

Mike Zee
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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby Mike Zee » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:18 pm

After discussing my ED problems with my GP...He said as long as I can acheive orgasm, whether hard or soft , there is hope.

I hope you solve your problem.

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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby holley » Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:03 pm

Our experience and age is similar to 3mtrship. After PCa and RRP six years ago, we moved away from traditional intercourse and found our way to being present for each other's self-pleasuring. While lying together I will edge for 30-60 minutes while she will bring herself to multiple orgasms with the Hitachi magic wand. The energy from both of us builds in the room until I (we) decide I will go over the cliff. Its an amazing experience and the intimacy is unmatched. Highly recommended.
Last edited by holley on Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
RRP in 2007. PSA undetectable since. Viagra and Cialis work well for me.


Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby Anonymous1 » Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:21 pm

Solo is great, and I do it more than having intercourse. But I still feel you just cannot beat the "connection" that intercourse provides.


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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby hoosierphilly » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:54 am

Pretty well said. We work at it. We both stimulate each other. It makes me feel satisfied to orally make her come when the little guy may not be able to.
Oh and she gets physically aroused and responds better when she stimulates my body. Don't deprive your loved one of those connections by not encouraging them to perform. If they are not willing, psychological or physically able....another story.

Oh and I take testosterone supplements to maintain minimally normal levels. With an underactive thyroid it helps with depression and physical muscles etc.
Read the latest studies on CV and testosterone I posted.

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Re: Pleasurable Sensations as We Age: Intercourse vs. Solo

Postby maxkohn » Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:16 pm

iI'm 53 years old and my partner is six months older. She is in menopause and her sex drive is down to zero. I cannot get an erection due to prostate cancer surgery but am still trying injections. I've had to stop that for now due to recently losing my job (I'm fighting to get it back) but I do masturbate around three times a week. I get intense orgasms and sometimes multiple orgasms while masturbating. Due to the fact that my partner's sex drive is zero, the option of an implant is OFF the table. Once I get health insurance, I'll resume injections as we started on a minute dose and working our way to the maximum. We aren't near the halfway mark yet so there's more to go. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL
Max Kohn

Originally from Chicago, IL moved in 2019 to West Des Moines, Iowa, prostate removed in 2011, nerves spared. Lots of complications and no erections since. n a relationship with a 59-year-old woman in menopause.

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