Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby thinktank » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:54 am


I need your help, guidance, comfort, and wisdom. Please hear me out and offer suggestions.

I like to edge to keep my libido up. I find that eding combats the washed out feelings sexually at age 65 and gives me a sexual boost for the day making me hornier when I do edge in early morning.

Lately, without pills, I have noticed that it takes longer to get a good hard but I have been patient to just enjoy the flow and relax and go with the feelings of things, enjoying the pleasant feelings of arousal and orgasmic twinges as I get closer to the PONR; where I generally stop and let things subside; then may go at it again if I have time.

Up until this morning, I always consoled myself about edging with a limper dick by telling myself to be patient and knowing my dick will get hard hard at the PONR or shortly before that. We all know as younger men that the hardest erections come at the time of spurting.

However, this morning I got to the PONR and my dick was only about 80 to 85% hard. I was disapointed in the hardness and began to analyze why that hard hard erection at the PONR was not present.

One thing might be arousal. I wasnt breathing fire. Just relaxing and enjoying the feelings letting them build. But that is what I do all the time in edging. So why a limper dick at the PONR.

Another things might be that I am on compounded T cream and after about two and a half months, it is not helping me. If anything, I feel better off the stuff than on the stuff. So my estrogen may be up or down......I dont know. I do know that my T IS NOT UP. I will get blood work in another three weeks and then decide what to do....Whether to go on the shots or just ditch the HRT altogether and admit to myself that I am old and afflicted with E D. (I am taking Saw Palmetto extract, evening primrose oil and other anti aromatase supplements to prevent T coversion to estrogen.)

So help me brothers. Are softer erections at the PONR a landmark sign of E D and aging???????? What can you all counsel me on to help this or to help me combat this.

One thing I do know. We men like hardness as much as we like the wonderful feelings of orgasm. The two go hand in hand or should I say hand on ............ (you got it)

Thanks for your counsel and comfort. It helps to have other men to talk to when we hit this kind of disapointment in our sexuality.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby antelope » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:07 am

Horny and hard are two separate issues. Of course they are related, but they are indeed separate. You can be horny as a billy goat and still not be able to perform. You can also wank with a softie, but nothing substitues for a raging erection. I'm not sure what you're doing to combat ED--pills, pumps, shots--but low T could be a contributing factor to both lack of libido and erectile dysfunction. Perhaps you need a complete physical. Low T can be caused any number of things in additon to aging. Treat the underlying problem and things might get better fast.

Best wishes,

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby thinktank » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:28 am

Thanks Greg:

I have had several doctors trying to help me here. I am under the care of a good GP who is developing a speciality in mens aging issues.

I had blood work done at six weeks on this compounded T cream and my T readings were subnormal. My Estrogen was normal. Free T was low.

So I am really working on all this plus exercising like crazy.

I am even consulting Nelson Vergel who is an expert guru and has written books on T. I may consult Dr. John Crisler who is supposed to be the best going for online HRT treatment. He is a body builder and keeping muscle mass as I age is one of my goals.

I am trying to stay on top of this junk. THANKS FOR YOUR REPRESENTATION THAT LOW T MAY BE THE CULPRIT. I know my T is very very low and I must do something to get it into the upper range of normal. I am considering T injections, arimidex or anastrosole (for armomatization) and HCG shots to keep my boys bigger and putting out.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby antelope » Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:46 pm

At one point in my ED journey, I was actually HOPING my T levels were low--that can be a simple fix. But no, after tests out the wazoo, doc determined that my ED is "simply" a result of my diabetes. That, in spite of the fact that I eat right, control my blood sugar (and have done so for 30 years) and so on and so on. So, in spite of doing everything right, my diabetes has given me an unwanted "gift". I call it the limp dick lottery.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Don't give up.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby MARKOS2018 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:16 pm

When I complained to my uro about my not getting as hard as before....he put me on Viagra, which helped me over the edge. I broke up the 50mg caplet and took a bit and that boosted me up. You have it in you, and you are worrying too much. I now take a 2.5 Cialis regimen and that is good for getting you to where you want to be without doing herbals, which may not be helpful at all. You seem to be overly concerned and frightful.
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby thinktank » Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:07 pm

No Hardrod.

I am not overly concerned nor am I frightful. I am probably over analytical but my concerns are genuine, I am relaxed.

I am a busy professional thoroughly engaged in my practice. I know anxiety. This isnt anxiety.

Greg is correct. More probable than not, this is hormonal and I cant wait to get back to my doc and if Testosterone supplementation is right for me, I am going to go for the gold, not silver or bronze. I am going to inject and get my T levels up to where they were at age 57 when I had T of 680 (the doc said it was like a thirty year old man) an I was making love sometimes twice a day.

So in all probability, it is hormonal. But a softer dick for any reason, is not grounds for a happy and contented man, as we all know or we would not be on this website.

Thanks for the input but it aint that.

seeking info
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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby seeking info » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:06 am

Are you taking any meds that can deplete your testosterone. I am a 49 yr old chronic pain patient and have an implanted pain infusion pump and any long term use of opiod pain meds will deplete your testosterone in 96% of men. When my levels were checked my T was only 67. That was a year ago and I am still not up within normal levels and my thyroid is low functioning too. I have noticed some positive changes and am praying for only good things. Iam having blood work every 6 weeks. I will have the pain pump for life unless I want to go back to mobility in a wheelchair instead of just a cane and bad times a walker. I wish youall the best and hope you find your answers
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby thinktank » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:37 am

Thanks Scott and Godspeed to you in your health and happiness as a man. I will check out the thyroid business too

I am only on 10 mg. of lisinopril daily for blood pressure and occassional aleve for arthritic pains.

I think the culprit is subnormal T and estrogen levels of no telling what. I feel like something is out of wack in my aging body even in spite of a low fat- no sugar diet, lots of exercise, and trying to keep a positive emotional disposition daily.

I live in a small town and we have no endocrinologist here. Right now, I would be in his office by nine this morning if we had one. This compounded T cream is making me worse, not better. I am ready for some joy juice and I am hoping that shots of Testosterone with attention to aromatization and HCG shots are my answer. I have resisted this regimen for several years, but now with a flagging erection even in solo and the fact that my blood tests of a month ago showed subnormal T, and now feeling worse not better after an additional month of T cream, I am ready to take action against this aging business. Obviously, what I am doing is not working.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby cannonfield » Sat May 18, 2013 8:55 am

I'm no expert but nowadays, with modern medicines and such, age shall not weary Mr Johnson. At one time you lost it and it was gone. but now it's all reversible if something is done to keep up an interesting and active lifestyle. There are other factors at play that take you down more than age. Diet, change of muscle tone, exercise etc. Then there is the mental attitude, many box themselves in with their thinking about how it used to be rather than face present realities. This is inevitable but the process can be slowed down by staying interested in what goes on around you.

There is the argument about artificial vs the natural, but to better what you have is not all that artificial. False teeth, glasses, hearing aids and penile aids are not so much to make you an artificial person, or even turn back the clock, but to enhance the pursuit of happiness that we always remain capable of having.

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Re: Soft penises: Age Related Progression of E D: PLEASE HELP

Postby jimmac » Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:50 am

Thinktank please listen to Cannonfield. He's right! Notice the ages of all the different guys on this site. One's health is more a contributor to erection issues than age. I had a heart attack out of the blue about two years ago, and now serious impotence. Before the Cialis worked well. The two problems went hand in hand for me. I wish I knew then what I know now, I would have been a lot more proactive. Sounds like you work at taking care of yourself and your just getting started on your health turning down. Get a total physical and see if there may be something else as well. I'm back with the Cardiologist as well as the Urologist. If a stint helped my heart, maybe a stint in another location might help the ED. I have low colesterol, but my arteries seem to shed platlets that cause a blockage. In the meantime the Urologist is starting me on injections. I can't turn back my age, but I'm sure working on my problem. Things are changing, my wife still loves me...lifes good. I know many men on this site are not in such a fortunate place. I pray for them and feel humble and thankful. Best of luck in regaining your health.

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