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Re: I just give up.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:02 pm
by vajim1
Can you masturbate to orgasm?
I know one couple where the male was only about 1.5" and his wife would sit on him and rub her clit and get them both off.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 3:44 pm
by 544kenmatt
Do you have health insurance? Most plans will cover an implant and it sounds like you have a valid medical reason to get one.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:46 pm
by Lost Sheep
needsomehope wrote:yes, I can masturbate to orgasm. though I barely stay hard the moment my hand leaves my penis. I can't imagine ever even attempting anything with a woman again. I kinda doubt your story... how could someone with a 1.5 inch penis ever get up the nerve to show that to someone else? I'm not judging them. I just don't have that kind of courage.

Well, seeing as how it is his wife, she probably knows scarier secrets about him than the size of his penis.

My advice I posted in your other posts/threads applies. There is more to sex than coitus. Find a woman who LIKES you, and where there's a will, there's a way. Women, as a rule, make love with THE MAN, not with the penis. If he knows (or can learn) to get her off, she will appreciate THAT more than what 95% of what men with working penises actually give.

A working penis is only one element of sex and worthless if the man wielding it does not pay attention to his partner. A man without a working penis who DOES care for his partner will be deemed a "keeper" and highly valued by his woman a LOT more than any dick-wielding dickhead.

Your only hurdle at this point is to get your mind into an attitude that says "I CAN find a woman who accepts me for ME". Any woman who has been disappointed by a sexually functional penis attached to a man with a non-sexually functioning intellect will REALLY appreciate a man with a sexually functioning intellect, whatever the condition of his penis is. Trust me on this.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:43 pm
by Hartbraker
well I truly hope you all enjoy your 6 and 7 inch + functioning penises. I'd give anything to be in your shoes. maybe next lifetime. I just hope this one ends soon.

I am concerned about your last statement. If you have any thoughts of harming yourself, please seek professional help. ED sucks for sure and I agree sometimes I don’t feel like I am a “man” but you can find peace in your life. Sending positive thoughts your way!

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:48 pm
by Lost Sheep
needsomehope wrote:
Hartbraker wrote:well I truly hope you all enjoy your 6 and 7 inch + functioning penises. I'd give anything to be in your shoes. maybe next lifetime. I just hope this one ends soon.

I am concerned about your last statement. If you have any thoughts of harming yourself, please seek professional help. ED sucks for sure and I agree sometimes I don’t feel like I am a “man” but you can find peace in your life. Sending positive thoughts your way!

I'm never going to find any peace in this life. this has utterly destroyed any chance I had at a good existence. all I ever wanted was to be a loving husband and good father. but that was taken away from me by something I had NO CONTROL over.

I guess I overall disagree that life is precious no matter what and suicide is never the answer. I think there's absolutely a point where a humans life is too painful and not worth living.

I will take issue with two points. While it is true you may have had no control over your E.D., you DO HAVE control over what steps you take for treatment and control over how you feel about it. Slim comfort it is to accept what life gives you, but it is absolutely true that how you REACT to events is more important to your mental and emotional state than the events themselves.

Sometimes life IS too painful or difficult to be worth living. But something as middling as E.D. or even full impotence is not that big a deal. Visit a V.A. hospital some time, or a cancer ward and take a poll of how many patients are despondent or are determined to make the best of what they have.

Not that a pity-party is worthless to you, for it does feel good sometimes to bask in whatever emotions let you act out...but at the end of the day, you can have a lot of fun and edification outside of the sexual aspects of life. I love to play music. I can have sex and play music, but if I had to make a choice it would be very difficult to give up my musicianship in favor of sex.

What aspects of life (other than sex) do you enjoy? Your sense of smell. Would you give it up for an average, working penis? Sight? Hearing? Ending life gives up ALL those things. And you don't even get laid if you give up living in that way.

Yes, I hear you loud and clear. It is a raw deal and terribly, terribly frustrating, humiliating and emasculating (literally) to admit to sexual sub-par ability. But any woman who rejects you for that reason alone is not worth having around anyway. So, I repeat my advice earlier (I think in one of the other threads you started with the same title). Try connecting with a willing woman (which you indicated there are several who indicated they would like you to approach them), level with her (about your abilities or lack thereof) and see where it goes. I bet you will be surprised...and what have you got to lose? And you have much to gain, even if only a pleasant dinner companion; that is worthwhile!

I found several women who, knowing of my impotence, were willing to assist with "lab work" during my journey to treatment-even BEFORE treatment.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:16 am
by Flavio
I know how you feel but giving up is not an option. I have a small penis and that never stopped me. We really shouldn't worry too much about d***.

In my case, knowledge made all the difference in the world. The more you know about ED, the less stressful it will be. I wish I had started my research sooner but back in the 1990s there was very little information available and I didn't even know this was a medical condition. I just suffered in silence and did nothing about it. :(

ED is easily treatable, there are many solutions available today and we are privileged to be living in this time. And, believe me, 2021 is going to be a great year for men, with the release of Futura Medical's MED3000. This new gel will be a revolution in the treatment of ED.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:58 pm
by Lost Sheep
needsomehope wrote:yes I would gladly give up one of my senses for an average to above average sized fully functioning dick. no sight, sound, or taste brings me ANY joy at this point. having a small and broken dick has ruined my life beyond repair. I'm tired and I hope to be permanently asleep soon.

Now you are talking! Look forward.

Now, as far as bargaining away one sensory faculty for a larger, functioning penis, keep in mind the principles of bargaining/negotiating. Determine what you want. The best you think you can get and the minimum you would settle for.

Now, bargaining for an automobile or buying a house is offer and counter-offer. Not so with a physical aspect of life. But some of the principles remain the same.

Remember that a small penis can give a woman orgasms and the man orgasms that are just as powerful as a large penis if proper techniques are employed. Are you willing to give up the effort to learn those techniques? Learning technique is a LOT less costly than giving up one of your senses. Are you willing to expend the effort? (And it is not all that difficult and the learning process can be a lot of fun with the right partner - are you willing to put in the effort to FIND the right partner?)

A lot of work, yes, but the rewards are FANTASTIC.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:29 pm
by truckrglenn
Thanks for sharing. Sharing or getting the thoughts out of someone's head starts the process.

Your story is just one example of why this Country needs to legalize prostitution or sex workers. I'm a recovering addict and have known women from all walks of life. Never once did I hear a women who was in the sex trade complain about a man's penis being too small or not the perfect shape. They have complained about too large of a penis though.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:30 pm
by Martin6469
needsomehope: Learn how to lick a clit. Very simple. When your hand's in in her panties, forget about your penis, rub her clit for a minute, then pull 'em down, and lick her clit. All women go into ecstasy at this point because the clit's packed full of sensitive nerve endings. Keep licking and she'll have an orgasm. Some women take 5 minutes, some take 20 minutes, but keep licking. Put a finger or two in her vagina to simulate a penis. When she's recovered, she won't care about your penis; just ask her if she'll give you some help with it. Say something like, "It's kinda' small, and sometimes doesn't get stiff, but would you give me a hand job to get acquainted with it?" Your nervousness will recede once you admit to her that you have a problem.

I have first-hand knowledge of how low testosterone makes you depressed. This is easily and fully treatable and will be covered by Medicaid. You take synthetic testosterone in the form of a gel you rub on skin, a patch, or shots.

My penis is also small. I've never been able to give my wife an orgasm with it, in fact she says she can't feel much, and she's nostalgic about how her ex used to fill her, so we play with big dildoes. I hold one in her vagina and she masturbates to a big orgasm while fantasizing about him or some other guy that might cross her mind. I encourage her fantasies and this works very well: many mornings she gets up singing. We have the best relationship because we're both giving her orgasms in this way. You will eventually get to this stage with the right woman.

Re: I just give up.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:08 pm
by hectorm64
Hey Man,
I perfectly understand your frustration and sadness. I have ED all my life. Please don't give back. For now, buy a cheap vacuum and use it everyday for 10 to 15 minutes, before you use it heat a small wet towel in the microwave for 1 minute, them, put it in your penis, make sure it is not too hot for 2 to 3 minutes. It will help to open your veins in the corpora covernosa.
This practice will help you to keep your size, your penis healthy and stretch it, when you get ready for an implant a good surgeon could put a bigger cylinder, so you will have a bigger dick. Also, don't worry for having an small dick, an implant will give you an hard rock erection to have a lot fun, remember the implant will stay up as long as you want.
I am trying to get my implant sometime soon. I have been very depressed.
Stay safe, keep posting here, we will support each other.