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Re: Really missed the little guy

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:40 pm
by terraplane
Jim.....I haven't been able to find syringes with needles on Amazon , I'd like to order some 31g if I could find them .

Re: Really missed the little guy

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:56 am
by terraplane
OK , I've got it down to routine now , I shoot 7 units in the morning to plump him up , 5 units in the afternoon if I'm really nice to him , but if a feel a roll in the hay coming at night I will forgo the afternoon shot , 12 units does just right for him to perform perfectly . At this rate my vial should last about a month and a half , and the little guy is staying a little larger all the time , I was really afraid he wouldn't come back since it had been so long .I think my rehab is going to be a success .

Re: Really missed the little guy

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:04 pm
by terraplane
A little update , a 5ml vial lasts me a little over a month , that is @ .15 to .17 per injection . Every other day for my wife , and most times day in between for me , what can I say , I just enjoy have something hard again !
So I am at 330 injections without a missfire.......thanks to Jimstars , I settled on 31g needles .

Thanks for all the help , everyone .................Chuck