A sex life without penetration instead of an implant?

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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A sex life without penetration instead of an implant?

Postby Martin25 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:48 pm

I’ve been struggling for years with erectile dysfunction. I’m starting to think that I have been too focused on penetration, when there are other ways to have intimacy and to achieve orgasm. I’ve had limited success with injections combined with Cialis and constriction bands. It gets me there, but it really takes away the fun; it feels like work. I started considering an implant again, but the more I read I feel troubled at the thought of losing my natural penis. Evidently, there are noticeable wrinkles or “dog ears” when flaccid, and you can feel the tubing… I just feel getting an implant is giving away your natural penis for a prosthetic device. How is that different from incorporating a dildo into your sex life with your partner? Plus, many men need a revision in 7-10 years… I went to a men’s health clinic, and they put me on TRT therapy, which did not address the underlying issues, and did nothing for my erectile dysfunction. I am now off of TRT… I’ve had many disappointing experiences with urologists, and now with this men’s health clinic, which charged a fortune…

Maybe I should stop pressuring myself to achieve penetration and try to find happiness in other ways in the bedroom…?

I’m posting because I’d like to hear the thoughts of others and their input. I previously posted under implants, but was also advised to post under sexuality, which I am doing. Thank you all in advance.
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Re: A sex life without penetration instead of an implant?

Postby Ibfuelish » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:24 pm

Truly a reasonable question… personally, I tried not to have surgery… dealt with ED fo 20+ years. In the end, it was destroying my marriage. Not necessarily because the wife demanded penetration, but because I craved the feeling if penetration. I found this out once I gave in and bought a quality strap on system that I felt wasn’t cheesy.. I attached the dildo my wife usually liked… of course it was larger than me, but none the less… I decided to enter the bedroom and bed as if it was mine. Climbed in, snuggled a bit, began rubbing it in certain places, before long the mrs was warmed up… let me tell you… NOTHING replaces the rush you get from a woman’s reaction to penetration. It was exactly then when I decided to get an implant. Do it for your self, research is your friend… 90% satisfaction rate from a group of men who are typically not satisfied with anything…? That’s pretty good. 7-10 year revisions, that’s an old number I think, plus recovery from revision from what I’ve read is easier.

I am two week post op… off the oxycodone after 10 days, ibuprofen and Tylenol managing inflammation and minor pain from body’s response to surgery. Bruising already subsided, incision is almost healed completely, wearing a jock to keep the equipment in place until it’s healed internally. The first 3-7 days was sketch, and I’ve had brain surgery… so don’t take it lightly, but I’m across the “is it worth it” threshold already and I havent even had sex yet.
Last edited by Ibfuelish on Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
57 yo, 20+ years of ED.. no actual diagnosis, just doesn’t work or respond to pills, shots or VED… implanted 1/31/24… 24cm -RTE, AMS 700 CX… slight scarring left corpora. DM2, A1C 6.4, HBP, Hyperlipidemia, 280lbs, 5’11”. Basically Shrek.

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Re: A sex life without penetration instead of an implant?

Postby Martin25 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:31 am


Thank you for your response. I wish you a continued good recovery and I hope to keep in touch. Perhaps we can even chat at some point in the future…
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:16 pm

Re: A sex life without penetration instead of an implant?

Postby Mark1974 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:38 pm

I struggle with this thought

I literally go day to day changing my mind about getting an implant

Personally I think it is more erotic to keep your natural penis if you still have your glands and some engorgement and orgasmic response in your penis

You may not be able to penetrate, but you can still have oral sex from time to time and if your wife or gf needs penetration there are toys...or even more sexy there can be alternative arrangements with young men

I think to myself I am 50 and not at a natural stage to be fathering children

But then other days I get frustrated that I can't even keep my penis completely stiff during masturbation and then I want an implant

If I can discipline myself to practice periods of semen retention like they do in Tantra and carry a good load in my glands and heat in body then I think I prefer not to get an implant

Good and thoughtful question
I was born in 1974. I've had venous leak ED since early 30's, but managed with pde5 inhibitors until mid 40's. I have fairly severe hour-glassing, but no hard plaques. My urologist is worldwide acknowledged expert Dr. Laurence Levine

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