Looking for advice...

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Looking for advice...

Postby Lucky46 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:06 pm

Hi Everyone,

I know I'm not the typical member here-being a men's forum-but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. My partner is a wonderful man who is a stage 4 prostrate cancer survivor. He had a radical prostatectomy and has a penile implant-which works great! I'm here because I'm hoping to learn from all of you how I may work on improving his quality of life-and sex is a big part of life! Any thoughts or advice would be most welcome. Thank you!

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby slob1934 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:57 am

Wow that is one lucky man. I suggest you and he have the best sex of your lives.
As you know the best part of an implant is that he can keep it up for as long as it takes to bring you to orgasm. Many of us were not able to last as long as it takes for a woman to reach a climax. So my advice is use it and enjoy the ride!
You said you want to please him and i'm sure he will love whatever you do. But don't forget yourself, he should be able to please you like you have never been pleased before!

How refreshing to hear from a woman!!

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby MIDBOB293 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:22 pm

If I may join in: I have found that oral has saved our sex life to a great extent. Once we overcame any reluctance to perform oral on each other, it made a huge improvement. It does not bring back abilites lost but it does allow satisfaction instead of frustration. Just commenting for what it is worth. Good Luck.
Had external beam radiation and brachytherapy 2010 with some ED soon after. Viagra works, Some loss of sensation at times but overall sex has returned We are very oral and that helps a lot.

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby kkendall » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:44 am

I can assure you, I am most content when my wife is ... She doesn't like being "selfish", but on the occasions that she allows herself to enjoy herself - THAT is when I am most satisfied. Even if I provide oral and I don't do anything for myself . Knowing that I have satisfied her is HUGE for me.

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby vladtepes » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:21 pm

Feel same as you kkendall.
I like when she is selfish.
Makes me huge satisfaction if she loses control on herself :twisted:


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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby dtwarren1942 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:21 pm

I can only echo the responses of Vlad and Kkendall
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby k.b.marino » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:16 pm

If I can give a little of my experience here, well, here goes. Using a lubed finger, I have found a spot inside my wife's vagina that feels like a bumpy little ridge. It is just inside the labia on the top(her belly side) of her vagina. I can always make her have at least one orgasm that way. We use the name that Bob, another implantee uses: the "come hither" technique. Imagine motioning for someone to come to you, curving you finger into the little ridge. Different pressures, speeds etc. to get her humming. Use your index finger or thumb, and if you want to get more adventurous, go for the index and middle finger. Have fun.
Age 46, Type 1 diabetes since age 6. Northeast Ohio here Tried orals, injections-single agent, bimix. AMS 700 LGX on 06/28/12 at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr. Drogo Montague

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby LUVWIFE » Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:32 am

I am wishing and waiting for my other half to want to even come near me or touch me again. He just shut me out cold as ice, he is now being treating for depression since the whole veneal leak which lead to ED. I finally did get him to share what he was going thru, I tried to get thru to him I am here and Im not going anywhere. He said right now he didnt even know if he wanted to be in a relationship and I make him think of what he cant do,he chose to shut out and not open to any touch. He doesnt even like me curled up or laying on couch with him. this forum has been so helpful to me and I would welcome ideas on how to get him to get reading in here. I know it will help him tremendously, I am here for the long haul and welcome any and all input and insite and yay for you who stayed open to not shutting out your wives and wanting to stay physically connected in any way. Lonely in same house


Re: Looking for advice...

Postby 3mtrship » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:51 am


I'm going to send you to 2 other sites that specifically deal with some of the subjects you mention

1. http://www.hisprostatecancer.com/

2. http://www.phoenix5.org/menumain.html

As we faced the same challenges serveral years ago, we found enough information to keep us together and blast thru to a completely new sexuallity or a new sexual "NORMAL."

Once we faced "What Was" is gone and "What Is To Be" needs building" we slowly started to make some progress to where are we are today. It is not easy and setbacks are normal but the effort is worthwhile.

Kind Regards, Jim

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Re: Looking for advice...

Postby LUVWIFE » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:50 pm

Jim~ Thank you for the websites. I have already put both to my favorites and from all I have read so far...I am going to just have to wait. The scarey part is the more he stays shut out and not wanting to discuss the ED/venous leak the worse it could get. Right now he is at the not wanting to discuss it again and is being treated for depression so he has no feelings currently but anger. Its a terrible loop for you guys, the ED causes depression and depression meds cause same issue.
It can be heck for the wife who just wants to be supportive and no longer gets hugs or i love yous or much but cordial conversation when we used to have more.

Again, thank you for some insight, I hope one day he will come around. I did leave this website with a note by his computer but he never mentioned it. So lets all hope he may stop by ... Thanks!

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