Coital anxiety anyone?

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Coital anxiety anyone?

Postby Flavio » Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:20 pm

Anyone here suffers from coital anxiety?

I am and always was able to get a great erection, even without manual stimulation. The problem was penetration. I would get anxious and lose my erection just before penetration.

I have no idea how or why this started. I remember my first relationship was toxic and terrible, that didn't help. My family and work life were also deplorable and that only increased my anxiety levels.

Maybe there was some incident in my 20s that started all this but I really can't pinpoint an exact date.

The road to recovery was long, the magic word was information. The more you know about sex, the less stressful it will be. Read books (anything written by urologist Tom F. Lue is a must), talk to doctors, share your experiences on FT.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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