Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

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Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

Postby Hillywilly » Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:54 pm

So I have surgery booked for an IPP but my dick is still semi-functional (I can get an erection will MAXIMUM dose viagra, cialis) I have been taking either 20mg cialis or 100 viagra every day and I am still not getting the rockhard erections I was before I injured my dick. It narrows at the the top 3rd. My size is still pretty good though i'm about 6.75-7 in depending on if I want to use a genourous measuring method or not :) my girth WAS 6in right after the injury but now has shrunk to 5.5in girth which I HATE not to knock that size as bad but it's never been this thin before I really want to restore my girth and also my firm erections. I had sex once since the injury and it made things worse so I have avoided girls, dating and people in general to a degree.

I have been through 4 mental health professionals and none had a clue how to help me. The latest is trying to treat me for sex addiction which fair enough a 12 hour masterbation session (which caused the injury) is probably not normal behavior but I only wanked that long because I was on adderall which drastically increases my sex drive to the point of addiction I usually steer clear of the stuff though because I know this an have damaged my dick in that manner before. My focus has taken a huge hit by this scenario I am constantly thinking about if surgery is right or not. Will I heal as I have in the past or will I not? It seems to be taking a lot longer than the previous incidents. I need help focusing though because I am making mistakes at work and just today I drove off with the pump in my car lol I obviously can't take stimulants of any kind to help me focus as i'll probably binge the whole bottle and jerk off.

I'm not interested in the slightest on treating sex addiction to the contrary I am interested in regaining sexual function and having more sex but also improving my mental state and focus. Anyone have any suggestions in terms of therapy or medication to help me navigate this difficult period?
33 HG deformity now Titan OTR 24cm XL + 1 cm RTE's Length 7.25in/ Girth 6in (midshaft) Dr. Hakky 4/4/23

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Re: Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:30 pm

No unfortunately this area of sexuality and male sexual health is difficult to navigate. I am not aware how to find a sex therapist. In my area there are plenty of places for drug and alcohol addiction. Nobody ever says these places treat sex addictions. I'm guessing they do not.

I once saw a random urologist just ONE visit, and all he did was suggest to me that some counseling might help. Never said where to go or anything. My point is if your sexual dysfunction is purely psychological then maybe counseling might help or a specific medication for mental/mood disorders. Sometimes I think people are anti sex or anti masturbation. There is a woman on Youtube and her channel is basically about porn addiction. I was curious about her credentials, so I had to kind of dig for them on her site. However what I found was a bit disappointing to me. She basically had the educational background of a school teacher. I didn't see how that would qualify her to be an expert on male masturbation. :shock: Again you really want someone qualified or they basically waste your time, money or insurance.

Have you ever tried some basic supplements or tried the cbd?
Also have you ever had your hormones checked or looked into any possible side effects of anphetimines or adderal? Maybe some things are off balance in your other systems. A lot of people say go go go get the IPP, but if you have function at all I think it is too soon. I feel like there is a lot you maybe haven't tried.

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Re: Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

Postby RPSurvivor » Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:38 am

What effect does vacuum have?

Have you tried vacuum applied within a chamber that is just a bit wider than your non-injury diameter?

I developed a method of growth that uses vacuum within a carefully sized chamber to minimize vacuum stress. There is a lot more to it, but sizing the chamber was crucial. We develop diameter beyond the chamber size. I wouldn't try this with you due to your injury.

You can buy clear polycarbonate tubing in imperial sizes with increments of 1/8 inch. You then need a wide pad at the base to distribute the force into your groin, and a way to attach the vacuum at distal the end. A friend with a 3D printer can make those for you.

The key is to cycle the vacuum for seconds at a time with an equal relaxation period between, rather then leaving it applied.

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Re: Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

Postby Martin6469 » Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:21 pm

Hillywilly wrote:[/quote]I'm not interested in the slightest on treating sex addiction to the contrary I am interested in regaining sexual function and having more sex but also improving my mental state and focus. Anyone have any suggestions in terms of therapy or medication to help me navigate this difficult period?[/quote]

Drugs all have side effects. I'm a believer in the strong anti-anxiety hormones released by vigorous physical activity. When I was going through the worst psychological period of my life, I simply went jogging daily until almost exhausted, was able to think clearly and positively, and slowly found solutions.
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

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Re: Anybody have any advice on who to talk to about this kinda stuff?

Postby GoodWood » Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:27 pm

I suspect you will have the best chance of success seeking out counseling through a Men’s sexual health practice. There are a few around the county (Maze Men’s Health here in NYC for instance) but since Zoom/Skype location isn’t as much of an issue when it comes to counseling. Try that route. They are likely to better understand where you are coming from.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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