Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:20 pm

ScrewedbyDoctors wrote:I got a Trimix injection over 3 years ago at the Summit Male Medical in Tempe Az by Nathan Papadeas, that injection caused me the most painful erection I've ever felt in my life,

I'm having a hard time accepting my situation, I wonder if GOD wants me to be with him because what happened to me it doesn't make any sense

I'm having a difficult time understanding why this one single injection could do so much harm. I'm not familiar with Summit Male Medical, but are they truly qualified to be doing penile injection therapy? Are they one of those places that only takes cash and credit cards and wants nothing to do with insurance? I ask because I am aware of a few "men's clinics" in Ohio that advertise on the radio, and supposedly will inject as a test in hopes that you will buy the mix from them.

Also can you describe the pain you experienced? Was it just painful at the injection site, or was it painful because it was so engorged? How old were you when you did these things, and when did you do the PRP procedure?

I really do feel for you and I don't think it is right that a clinic can get away with disfiguring your penis. A story like yours really causes me to pause and think; maybe I don't want an injection. As for GOD. I don't understand his ways or his time either. I wonder the same about my life. Why would God allow me as a boy to experience unwanted sexual contact? Why did I have to attend a school that had such perversion? Sometimes things happen to us that we do not understand, and maybe never will. God loves us and we have to trust that he will make our paths clear and carry us through difficult times. I'm sorry I don't have much advice coming from somebody so broken, but I do hope you can heal and overcome your situation. Don't let people push you into surgery. If you have sustained severe disfigurement you definitely don't want an implant in there making matters worse. Then again maybe it would help you. That is a long talk you need to have with a good and reputable surgeon.

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby ScrewedbyDoctors » Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:57 am

PSSD, thank you for your empathy. The "clinic" inject high doses of Trimix in your first visit to make sure you get an erection, the problem with that is that is dangerous. How a "clinc" can do that? Don't they suppose to follow the medical guidelines? Are there any medical regulations in Arizona?. Now I have a deformed penis at 46, is hard to live like this. Do not go to the ED clinic, if you want to inject Trimix go to a Urologist and start low.
I had a trauma 2 years ago, caused me narrowing, dent and shortening. PRP injections three months ago=worse narrowing, and worse ED. Now I only have two choices: impotent or implant. Born in 1975, in a relationship with girlfriend fir 4 years

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:43 pm

ScrewedbyDoctors wrote:PSSD, thank you for your empathy. The "clinic" inject high doses of Trimix in your first visit to make sure you get an erection, the problem with that is that is dangerous. How a "clinc" can do that? Don't they suppose to follow the medical guidelines? Are there any medical regulations in Arizona?. Now I have a deformed penis at 46, is hard to live like this. Do not go to the ED clinic, if you want to inject Trimix go to a Urologist and start low.

Well if there is nothing you can do, I hope that you left an honest review online detailing your experience with the facility. Maybe they will respond and ask to speak with you.

I'm no expert, but it seems to me that if there is a dosage range on trimix, why wouldn't they start out low or maybe somewhere in the middle? If a low dose didn't work they should let you rest and tell you to come back later for the next higher dose. It would be a process, but it seems like it would be a little safer. I definitely empathize because I know too well what it is like to deal with the medical system and not getting results. It's too bad that we live in a society like that.

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby ShouldIwait » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:36 pm

ScrewedbyDoctors wrote:I can't have an implant because of my fibrosis, I'm disabled and disfigured for life


Many on this site, like me, had various degrees of scarring/fibrosis. Implant straightened us out. There is even a tool just for the event of severe fibrosis, cavertone.

Go see a competent IPP surgeon ASAP
57, ED 10-15 years. Pills, Bi, Tri then Quad Mix Injections- all slowly less effective. IPP July 2022 (Penscrotal, Titan, 22 + 1) @6mo back to OEM--7.2"L x 5.5"w

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby stephen54 » Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:36 am

ScrewedbyDoctors wrote:I never went for an opinion for an implant, I'm just guessing. But I don't think is safe to have an implant in my case, I just have to accept my tragic event and don't have sex again

Something shitty clearly happened to you. Let's stipulate that. Something apparently very shitty. Ok. And that sucks and because it's your dick it's extra horrifying to those of us who also value our dicks. Absolutely. And I (we - because this place is full of guys who have empathy galore) feel terribly for you. All of this is true.

And now, blunt ass truth time:

You have got to drop your fucking story and do...something. Just about anything. Different.

Two things can be true at the same time - bad shit happened AND you need to take control and materially do something to improve what's next. To one degree or another, I just broadly described nearly every guy on FT. (And, every person outside of FT who values clear mental health and minimal regret in their life).

Do. Something. This is an active endeavor which doesn't mean wallow in your story and hope you can someday time travel back to the day before that clinic did whatever they did.

By "do something" I don't mean re-blend all the crappy things you've experienced into some entirely new stew of despair. Not that. Ok? That's effortless. That's the easiest thing you'll ever do. And to some extent, at some point, we can all be guilty of marinating in the past. I'm seriously advising you to assemble whatever strength you can cobble together and just dial the phone and find the best men's sexual health urologist you can find who is close to you. Or not close to you. Just find them and get yourself in their office pronto. That's how you begin to transcend victimhood.

You are "just guessing" about the future health of your dick??

Um...that is not good policy, man. It is not. That's passive, and that's discomfort and fear talking.

And in this place here, with the # of dudes who have gone through untold oceans of their own shit in all their lives, too, you are going to find a very, very warm reception and conversation anytime you wish, and support and advice galore. You will. But less so, I think, if you limit your self-improvement routine to "guessing" and grinding yourself into dust recounting past wrongs committed against you.

I'll also suggest, as others have started to allude to here, that you might greatly benefit from turning the mirror on yourself for just a wee moment in the course of putting this shit behind you. Again, let's stipulate that the clinic somehow fucked up. Ok, they fucked up. But culpability here, too. You do. You had (and have) the opportunity to be an assertive, active participant, and in fact star quarterback of your own healthcare and well-being. And I don't know that this has occurred to you. But it's true. And it's actually necessary (assuming you truly aspire to a functioning dick and a meaningful future sex life).

I gather that you may not care much for the tough love coming your way here. That's ok, too. You have a choice in all this. Lots of choices. You can shrug this type of advice off and stay in Fucked-Up-Dickland, or you can drive yourself forward to something better. It's demonstrably that goddam simple, man. Stay. Or go.

What, you may ask, does "something better" look like?

Dial that phone until you're overwhelmed and excitedly exhausted by all the new options you find. Do that. That's the first step in finding out. Brew the goddam coffee and inhale gallons of it staying up odd hours reading and researching and getting yourself better informed around next steps, take notes, write out questions, call more, email more, and set the appointment. But if you can't or won't be assertive and get moving like that, I think you'll find a mostly chilly reception here if you limit yourself to the re-telling of past wrongs.

So either feel roughed up by the tough love here, or feel newly motivated to change. Right? That door is locked from the inside and the good (and bad) news is - you alone have the power to grab your rudder and steer yourself. Either differently, or along the same worn course.

This might be further presumptuous but what the hell. I recommend you dig in and do some reading and really raw self-reflection on your underlying approaches to the not great things in life. The ways in which you personally appreciate and metabolize and prioritize the not-so-great stuff. There are other ways to approach the rotten stuff, and I can definitely make a reading list recommendation or two. Message me if you like. Or don't. Freedom of choice and all.

Sincerely wishing you the strength and motivation to carve your new path.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby bldoink » Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:32 pm


In my humble layman's opinion that was an excellent post. I wish I was that smart.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby azmike » Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:51 pm


Wonderful post and advice.

In fact, a good read for everyone on this forum. As a minimum it reinforces how "Life Rewards Action" and for some, (hopefully including the OP), it may motivate individual action to find a better way.

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby ScrewedbyDoctors » Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:18 pm

I'm depressed because what happened to me is not being reported, is like it never happened. How many innocent men will get their lifes ruined because of the lack of professionalism and lack of medical knowledge of their "Doctors".
I had a trauma 2 years ago, caused me narrowing, dent and shortening. PRP injections three months ago=worse narrowing, and worse ED. Now I only have two choices: impotent or implant. Born in 1975, in a relationship with girlfriend fir 4 years

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Re: Trimix destroyed my penis, I'm devastated

Postby LuisFernandez » Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:00 pm

bro stop whining. do traction and ved to make your penis larger than it ever was before. go back to injections pure pge1 or get an implant and get HA filler. boom problem solved. now stop complaining and get to work.
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
See my story: viewtopic.php?t=15016

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