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Questions for TriMix Gel users.....

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:51 am
by LMCatman
Posting this in the implants, injections and general discussion areas.....
...although it may sound redundant for an implantee, I'm looking on some feedback from TriMix Gel users. After three implants (first one botched, probably causing this problem, I have less blood flow to my glans and am having a more difficult time achieving orgasms. Particularly my "long, whimpering, Three Stooges orgasms" that I've been having for the past 4 years. On my last visit with Dr Perito, they tested my testosterone (which was fine) and he suggested I try TriMix Gel, starting 1/3 of a syringe. I've tried this a couple of times and upped the dose to 1/2 a syringe. Yesterday I had a fabulous 90 minute session, "inserting" the TriMix Gel about 20-25 minutes into the session and 30 minutes or so later had a "lwTSo" (wow!!!!!). So, a couple of questions for those who have been using Tri Mix Gel. AND...any good answers to "unasked" questions will be appreciated too...!

A. How long before the session do you generally "apply" the gel?
B. Can you "apply" it before you shower or does the hot shower take away from it's effect?
C. Do girls generally taste it when giving you head?
D. How big a "dose" do you do?
E. How long does it take to "soak in" so it doesn't leak out into her mouth?
F., G., H., .....what did I forget to ask....?

Looking forward to your answers.... LMCatman...

Re: Questions for TriMix Gel users.....

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:20 am
by LMCatman
I changed my heading to be more specific.... LM