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sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:27 am
by newbie1
I read lots of posts that said sensitivity and orgasms are great after implants.
Had a discussion about implant with urologist couple of days ago. He warned that "erection with implant will not feel the same as natural erection". He told me the sensation will not feel the same (even though the penis will get hard) so think carefully about it before deciding on implant.
Would appreciate it for all of you who have implants to comment on this and give your comparison before and after implant?
He is a uro but I don't think he has an implant himself although he could have got feedbacks from his patients.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:45 am
by Tybeeman
After reading a lot of your post. I don't think you are ready for an implant. Every guy is different. I am super sensitive and can orgasm very easily, but I ham having a slow recovery that I think is because of how sensitive. Get your self an implant when you are positive nothing else will work, at that time you will have wished you would have done it earlier

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:25 pm
by Larry10625
Tybeeman wrote:After reading a lot of your post. I don't think you are ready for an implant. Every guy is different. I am super sensitive and can orgasm very easily, but I ham having a slow recovery that I think is because of how sensitive. Get your self an implant when you are positive nothing else will work, at that time you will have wished you would have done it earlier

Tybeeman is right. Everybody is different. There is one poor sole on here with no sensation. It may come back if the nerve ends rejuvenate or it may not. There are many on here like Tybeeman with great sensitivity. I wish I knew. I only had mine for a month when I lost it. I will say this though, that doctor should not be giving you absolutes, especially when it comes to something as touchy as the nervous system. He should leave it to the experts, the members of Frank Talk are a LOT MORE QUALIFIED to comment because they have one, the doctor does not. :)


Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:37 pm
by dcmusc
Like others have said, everyone is different. I noticed I had maintained my sensitivity almost from the day after surgery. There was, having said that, an area at the base of my penis, underneath, that was a bit numb. It ran a bit up the underside of my shaft.

As time has gone on I have had sharp pains that are the nerves coming back. (Had this similar sensation with both my rotator cuff surgeries).

I was activated at 2.5 weeks - yesterday. I have masturbated three times as part of cycling and I can tell you, for me, the sensation is better then before. Possibly in that I am not worrying about the erection. I also notice I have a lot of engorgment, just like my natural erection. I have talked to guys that get these things, but at different time in their healing process.

I will say, that the cylinders do create a slightly different feeling at first. My hunch is that it will stop being different pretty soon.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:47 pm
by cincinnatus1951
My 2 cents is I am still sensitive, orgasms are fancastic. I do take more direct stimulation to push me "over the top" Wife doesn't mind at all. Have not experienced any 'dead spots" on my penis. All in all, wife and i love our implant.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:19 pm
by Jerryf
I'm only a little over 2 months implanted. I was activated at 6 weeks. My first couple of times using it I did not cum. Everyone here said give it time. The last few times I did cum. I dry cum due to meds but I can tell you without a doubt it's much better to get a hard erection than what I had before. Yes it's a bit different but hay it works again.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:45 pm
by Anonymous3
2 week out I am so senstive that nothing feels good touvpch8ng it

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:08 pm
by ShopMan
cincinnatus1951 wrote:My 2 cents is I am still sensitive, orgasms are fancastic. I do take more direct stimulation to push me "over the top" Wife doesn't mind at all. Have not experienced any 'dead spots" on my penis. All in all, wife and i love our implant.

Same for me. I didn't loose but just a little sensitivity but most has returned. Only thing wife has mentioned is the girth. She says she feels more filled.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:47 pm
by David_R
cincinnatus1951 wrote:My 2 cents is I am still sensitive, orgasms are fancastic.... Have not experienced any 'dead spots" on my penis. All in all, wife and i love our implant.

Same here. My glans is just as sensitive as before the implant, my orgasms are "fancastic" ;) , and I do not need more stimulation with the implant than I did before the implant.

Re: sensation after implant

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:20 pm
by Bandit
Also very sensitive after my implant. That being said i have less sensitivity if i am pumped rock hard. This may be due to still having a little discomfort during sex when pumped that hard. If i back it off a little orgasms are mind blowing. I am almost 4 months post op & loving my implant !