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are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:42 pm
by Funny9097
This question is one of the most important questions to me (personally) and I'm really going to go into detail

I am wondering if there are any single younger members (say <45) that had an implant done that either -

A- went on to getting married or common law (i.e., living together long term-present/essentially married)

B- Went on to (post implant/'naturally') having children

I am wondering because I have looked at the archives of Franktalk and I can't find any examples, especially of number 2. Anyone know of any members they can reference or implantees that would fit this description (say with contact info?).

I think to a lot of young members considering an implant this is an important question. I know the answer on the Q/A of an implant doctor's website! Just want to see if we know of any real life examples over the years that franktalk has existed

I know if I get an implant and experience a and b I would be coming back online to tell members about my success story just like the married men who come on to talk about all the great intimacy they are having. Wondering if there are any examples or if other young men considering an implant are curious about this too.

Also as an update I have my first appointment and doppler ultrasound lined up so on track to be implanted by year end

Thx all

Re: question

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:54 pm
by alibaba
I don't know if it was on FT or another forum but there was someone young with an implant that got married and had a couple kids. Everyone was thrilled for them. Something like 2-3 years ago when they had the second one.

United States nolonger recognizes common law marriage. I guess they are just shacked up again now.

Implant won't affect your sperm, ejaculating or knocking her up but many insurance companies deny coverage for an implant for "purposes for conception".

Cheers. d

Re: question

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:31 am
by Funny9097
Thx for the response alibaba. Honestly though, I sort of expected that type of response

I.e., someone somewhere did this a couple years ago but it wasn't me and I don't remember his name or if it was on this forum and I don't have the link! :|

.. Even someone who is young, implanted and now living with a partner they met post implant I would love to hear from

I'm sure a lot of other young people considering this procedure or who have recently had it done would feel similarly?

Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:18 am
by alibaba
Sorry, I do not keep a journal of everything I read. Must be fake news. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:31 am
by Funny9097
alibaba wrote:Sorry, I do not keep a journal of everything I read. Must be fake news. I hope you find what you are looking for.

apologies as well my friend. I appreciate your input and don't mean to be rude. I'm sure there are examples and if you happen to come across that thread please share.. but again it surprises me that there are so few even long term happy relationships that came to be post implant cited anywhere

Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:46 pm
by radiodec
If they are young and "successful" they probably don't have the time to get on here. Also, after things have settled down to a new normal interest on coming to this site tends to diminish. I have only recently come back to FrankTalk. Was a regular for several month before and after implant, then went away until revision time. I may turn out the same again.


Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:38 pm
by dg_moore
radiodec wrote:If they are young and "successful" they probably don't have the time to get on here. Also, after things have settled down to a new normal interest on coming to this site tends to diminish. I have only recently come back to FrankTalk. Was a regular for several month before and after implant, then went away until revision time. I may turn out the same again.


Nothing like having a kid or two to keep you from hanging around online!

Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:43 pm
by alibaba
radiodec does have an excellent point. I do know one younger guy (older than you) that had a gloriously successful implant and told me he was not coming back being there was no need any more. Was intending to go back to a normal life of wife and kids and :o maybe more kids :shock: if he could talk her into it. I know if I were young and full of energy I would not want to waste it chatting with codgers about their dicks. ( yes I am old and so are most of us so get over it). I would likely be working my ass off to pay bills, or spare time doing the nasty when there was a chance and kids asleep. At one time some of the doctors and AMS I believe, had a list of people willing to talk. May be one of them has someone young who had an implant that helped them bang out babies. :D

Re: are there any young imlantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:33 am
by Funny9097
alibaba wrote:I do know one younger guy (older than you) that had a gloriously successful implant and told me he was not coming back being there was no need any more

didn't mean to offend !

This is an important question to me. I'm on track to having this procedure soon (first in person meeting with surgeon/flights booked)

Hoping that as single dude I'll have the confidence to have relationships with an implant, at least on the health front!

AliBaba, do you remember the name of the guy you're referring to? was it someone from Franktalk

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:15 pm
by alibaba
I am horrible at names in general. No I do not remember a name or what site it was on. I do know from time to time there have been some of the guys you are looking for. There is one I know of that has left the forum. He and I used to visit in messages. Really nice guy and smart. You will be good. Ask your doctor. I don't watch television. Grossly boring. I spend my relaxing time visiting on forums of different interests sometimes having 3 conversations going at the same time.