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What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:00 am
by alibaba
I have been disturbed by the increasing number of young men with E.D. No young man should have to deal with this $#!t!. It is draining, a relationship killer and affects every aspect of your being whether some want to admit it or not.

Why is this happening?

Testosterone has dropped steadily for 40 years. That it?

increased use of hormones?

Increased use of chemicals?

Increased use of foods ( incl. GMO) that mimic female hormones? (E.g. soy products)

Evolution does not give a f'ck any more?

Increased awareness or stress?

Most men my age had E.D. issues related to age, hypertension, diabetes or surgery. Mine started a major plunge after bilateral inguinal surgery repair when I was 39 and was compounded by high blood pressure then disease that causes low testosterone. What is beating up the generations that are behind us?

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:08 am
by ThePlumber1964
I have talked to many health/mental professional about this. It seems to be a relationship between the increase availability of pornography and ED in youth.

One of the theory is that the false distorted expectations it creates has had a toll. The sex presented by such industry is far from reality that it is increasing an alarming number of cases.

Other theory is that since the blue pill, the demystification of ED has opened the gates for men to seek treatment at early ages, thing that was suffered in silence by too many.

Or, just a combination of both...


Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:44 am
by PCHelp76180
alibaba wrote:I have been disturbed by the increasing number of young men with E.D. No young man should have to deal with this $#!t!. It is draining, a relationship killer and affects every aspect of your being whether some want to admit it or not.

Why is this happening?

Testosterone has dropped steadily for 40 years. That it?

increased use of hormones?

Increased use of chemicals?

Increased use of foods ( incl. GMO) that mimic female hormones? (E.g. soy products)

Evolution does not give a f'ck any more?

Increased awareness or stress?

Most men my age had E.D. issues related to age, hypertension, diabetes or surgery. Mine started a major plunge after bilateral inguinal surgery repair when I was 39 and was compounded by high blood pressure then disease that causes low testosterone. What is beating up the generations that are behind us?

One word, PORN !

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:07 am
by DaveKell
I read a scientific journal article awhile back that pointed conclusively to the advent of chemical pesticide use in farming to rising ED numbers in men of all ages. Also plastic water bottles and coffee pots of all things.

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:32 am
by LMCatman
OR.... Better communication and information sharing enables people who previously "suffered in silence" to become part of the conversation and seek help..... FT is a great resource!

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:07 pm
by JayGould
A combination of porn, low testosterone/high estrogen and in general pussy whipped men who get nervous around naked women.

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:34 pm
by jelquinginjury
and the fucking jelqs (i was stupid i know), there is a lot of persons injured by that shit

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:47 pm
by smallbutsure
I was too rough with mine, and it has really taken a negative toll on my life. I plan to go with the implant, but I will certainly have less size and sensation compared to my natural member. My penis is not nearly as spongy now and doesn't stretch easily like it used to. In addition, I have pain in the pelvic floor and little sensation in the perineum.

Hopefully the implant does something to help me. The doctors claim the only stretching injuries you can obtain are to the ligament or the crura of the corpora of the penis. I, however, have found this to not be the case. I'm going to throw away some more money on Monday talking to a reconstructive urologist, but even if my claims are validated, I don't think there's much the surgeons can do besides an implant.

Note to all readers: Do not jelq or stretch your penis if you don't need to. Even if you have a tiny penis, just don't do it. It is not worth the risk of the injuries that some young people have experienced. These are truly life-shattering injuries.

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:38 pm
by wellick
Antidepressants. I was never the same person sexually even after quitting.

Re: What is happening?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:40 pm
by wellick
This is whole jelqing and stretching thing seems bizarre to me. I'm 5.5 inches (14 cm) and I can tell you it's more than enough to please a woman.