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Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:02 pm
by Waynebo
Decision time is here. I am a 64 veteran with a 100% service connected disability. Does anyone have any information about the VA doing the procedure. I have heard a few things, but what Im hoping to find is a vet with some first hand experience. Hope to be pumping soon.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:57 pm
by sandy1258
What is it that you want to know? VA does the implants, I found out after I had mine done by Kramer in Baltimore. If I had known I would have had mine done by the VA. I'm not sure but I can imagine it would have been cheaper. But I had mine done and am pleased with the out come.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:03 pm
by Waynebo
Thanks..and I'm glad you are doing well. I was hoping to find it somewhere in writing that the VA does implants.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:41 pm
by sandy1258
Google it or go to Va website.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:07 am
by gregorbehr
I don'y know anything about the ins and outs of VA coverage, but my urologist works at two hospitals, one of them being the local VA. He told me he does most of his implant work there.
So there must be something in your VA insurance to help off set the cost.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:34 am
by PCHelp76180
gregorbehr, I just submitted my request through Tricare Prime, I will let you know as soon as I get approval or denial.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:37 am
by LAVet62
Hi Waynebo, I am a 62 year old Vietnam Veteran. I just got my implants done by the VA and they paid for everything. I am 90% service connected. Since you are 100% service connected you probably won't have a problem. But you will have to see their Urologist and either go through their ED program or have gone through a simular program with your private doctor. Basicly they want to see if either the Veds, pills, or injections can help. Usually implants are the last option on their list.

Just go to your VA Primary Care Doctor and ask to get an appointment with a VA Urologist. I had My prostate removed 5 years ago, plus I am a diabetic. So ED was going to happen for me. All these were service connected disabilities due to Agent Orange exposures and covered by the VA.

I hope this helps, remember the VA Urologist is the key to get qualified for an Inflated Penile Prosthesis (IPP).

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:42 pm
by VietNamVet
I had mine done by the VA las fall. My I wrote an earlier post about the VA here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4947

If you have any more questions, just ask.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:24 pm
by jeremc
TriCare Prime has taken care of mine. $25 co-pay.

Re: Veterans Admin and Penile Implant Procedure.

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:42 pm
by tallboy
i am not seeing any current posts on this so my turn to ask questions and try to get va help for implant. i am not retired and only 20% service related disability for my hearing. i am in the TriWest Community Care program for vets and have been going to a local urologist who has referred me to a specialist for an implant. i am getting the run abound by TriWest as i am trying to get them to authorize the second doc that i have been referred to and to approve the implant. is anyone else in this situation and what are my chances as to getting VA help with this? i had my first appointment with the implant doc today after TriWest told me it was approved and they would FAX the doc the authorization only to find out after the fact that they did not send the authorization. i will be on the phone tomorrow trying to sort this out but if any of ya'll have experience trying to call these yard birds it is like pulling teeth without meds. :shock: