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Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:51 pm
by defiant
I know this has been asked many many times but I’m seeking some reassurance.

For single men still looking to find a wife one day, typically younger men <40, how (and I know it’s subjective) do you think women will react to finding out the guy has a penile implant?

Is it going to make it that much harder to find a serious partner for life, one who will accept this as part of that future, replacements and all?


Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:04 pm
by Lost Sheep
defiant wrote:I know this has been asked many many times but I’m seeking some reassurance.

For single men still looking to find a wife one day, typically younger men <40, how (and I know it’s subjective) do you think women will react to finding out the guy has a penile implant?

Is it going to make it that much harder to find a serious partner for life, one who will accept this as part of that future, replacements and all?


How a woman views you as a potential life partner has a lot more to do with YOU than with your penis or its contents.

Are you kind? Are you judgmental? Do you like kids? Are you supportive of her?

Of course, it matters how you are in bed (if you engage in sex before marriage) and it probably matters how you tell her of your implant. A LOT more important than the fact of your implant.

Women are incredibly supportive if they feel desired, trusted, respected and safe. Everything else is peripheral. (This is a vast generalization, of course, but since I have successfully avoided the institution of marriage for 73 years, I feel qualified to give advice on the matter to anyone.)

Edited to add:
Any woman worthy of being a life partner (marriage) will not give one whit if you have an implant or not as long as you love her. Put another way, if a woman will reject you on account of your implant, you are better off without her. Of course if you introduce the fact that you have an implant badly, that might put her off. But that is not the implant's fault.

When I went on a dating site, I got compliments for addressing my ED (I was seeking a "lab partner" for my journey to implantsville and made it clear that sex (both before and after implant) would be involved. I got compliments for my courage and candor. I am reminded of the old joke about a man, driving around and clearly lost who refuses to ask for directions. Women apparently appreciate a man who does not go into denial about being lost or about being impotent, but is willing to do whatever it takes to fix whatever problem there is. Same principle, I suppose would go for candidates for a man to father her children, provider her a home, etc. He would do whatever it takes to do it best. Having an implant means you recognized a problem, did not run away from it and took steps to fix it.

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:38 pm
by LMCatman
Women are attracted to YOU! Your penis is just an "accessory". If she likes you enough to let you put it in her, you probably don't need to worry.....good luck man!!!

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:27 pm
by frwmw1
The various surveys show men's partners have a higher satisfaction with penile implants than the actual men themselves.

Initially, I thought this was because perhaps these women (most surveys were heterosexual) were just happy for their partners, however after going through injection therapy and seeing the difference it has had on my wife's libido, I now think those surveys are honest.

These days my wife taps on the bum to tell me she's had enough orgasms.

While people talk about penis size and stuff like that, I think the biggest influence on women's sexual satisfaction is penile hardness, but I just don't have the data to prove it.

Furthermore I think women judge men with early erectile dysfunction as "bad at sex", and this goes on more than what is recognised, and I think men with unrecognised erectile dysfunction do undergo discrimination in the dating market, unfortunately.

So, my advice would be that treating your erectile dysfunction is, pragmatically speaking, the best approach.

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:10 pm
by Lost Sheep
frwmw1 wrote: Furthermore I think women judge men with early erectile dysfunction as "bad at sex", and this goes on more than what is recognised, and I think men with unrecognised erectile dysfunction do undergo discrimination in the dating market, unfortunately.

Looking back at 50 years of dating (with some dry spells, I admit), I agree. I did not recognize my ED as different from other men, but my partners apparently did. And that cost me.

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:45 pm
by Skier123
defiant wrote:I know this has been asked many many times but I’m seeking some reassurance.

For single men still looking to find a wife one day, typically younger men <40, how (and I know it’s subjective) do you think women will react to finding out the guy has a penile implant?

Is it going to make it that much harder to find a serious partner for life, one who will accept this as part of that future, replacements and all?


It just doesn't matter.

In my opinion (and personal experience), there will be a few women who don't like the bionics - but some will like it a lot. In contrast, there will be almost no prospects who will "like" you with a natural dick that doesn't work.


Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:03 pm
by frwmw1
Lost Sheep wrote:
frwmw1 wrote: Furthermore I think women judge men with early erectile dysfunction as "bad at sex", and this goes on more than what is recognised, and I think men with unrecognised erectile dysfunction do undergo discrimination in the dating market, unfortunately.

Looking back at 50 years of dating (with some dry spells, I admit), I agree. I did not recognize my ED as different from other men, but my partners apparently did. And that cost me.

It seems really common.

My Urologist asked for a timeline of the ED, and I replied that I was uncertain because my wife lost interest in sex and he was like "Yup, that's how this disease presents itself".

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:04 pm
by newbie443
defiant wrote:I know this has been asked many many times but I’m seeking some reassurance.

For single men still looking to find a wife one day, typically younger men <40, how (and I know it’s subjective) do you think women will react to finding out the guy has a penile implant?

Is it going to make it that much harder to find a serious partner for life, one who will accept this as part of that future, replacements and all?


I'm going to give my take on the age part of this. I have read that a woman's peek sexual drive is at age 35 and a mans is at 18. Considered a creator's joke by some. Now as an older guy who has dated this is something I deal with in that I am looking for women who still have a sex drive. Women my age have problems also and many are just looking for a man friend to do things with that are not sexual. In the case of a 35 year old man this is not the case at all. Except for the rare case of a medical problem most mid 30's women are looking for a sexual part of the relationship. In my case I need to tell a women that I still want sex in a relationship as I no longer have ED. Not really something most all of the time with women in the mid 30's. So I would think that for the most part mid 30's women would find this as a plus if they like you well enough to have sex with you. Women this age for sure have had men have failures from time to time or shorter sex than they needed.

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:35 am
by RoboCock69
Skier123 wrote:
defiant wrote:I know this has been asked many many times but I’m seeking some reassurance.

For single men still looking to find a wife one day, typically younger men <40, how (and I know it’s subjective) do you think women will react to finding out the guy has a penile implant?

Is it going to make it that much harder to find a serious partner for life, one who will accept this as part of that future, replacements and all?


It just doesn't matter.

In my opinion (and personal experience), there will be a few women who don't like the bionics - but some will like it a lot. In contrast, there will be almost no prospects who will "like" you with a natural dick that doesn't work.


The bolded part pretty much sums it up. Like that country song says, some girls don't like boys like me, ah, but some girls do. If you happen to encounter one who doesn't dig bionics, let her go and move onto the next one — and there's always a next one.

Re: Single Men & The Female Opinion

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:17 am
by defiant
Thanks, all.

Just a tad concerned around the younger generations to be honest.

I know that times have changed and there’s a lot of bad people out there these days.