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Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:57 am
by smphead
For the single guys over here.

What do you telll your date if she feels the pump in your sack?
I can imagine this is very awkward and you don't want to tell you have an implant due to ED.
Especially if you are young.

Do you have a good alternative/lie?

I'm considering an implant but i'am very hesitant due to this.

Please no jokes and very much thanx in advance.

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 6:48 am
by Smetro
No issue.
1. Not one woman I have had sex with over the last 18 months or so squeezes testicles with the intention of counting them.....and my feelings would be that it’s men who fixate on this point not women.
If you are doing your job properly and actually making love to a woman, she wouldn’t care if you had 4 balls.

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:35 am
by Tybeeman
We get this question all the time on here and I truly don't understand it even being a thought in a mans mind that he has ED. Worried about a girl friend feeling it? You are not worried about not being able to proform? I can promise you she would rather have it hard then soft. I can only speak for my self, but the placement of my pump is in a place my wife says she has never felt. Only complaint she has ever had was it being to hard so i just release the pump a little. But that is rare.

The positives of a implant far out weight the alternative. I wish i had this when i was in my 30's

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:18 am
by smphead
@Tybeeman If you have a longterm relation with a understanding wife it's much easier.

But if you have an hookup with a wife of your innercircle it would be embarrassing if she find out you have a penis implant.

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:36 pm
by maxxxxx
Opposite. if you have occasional relationships, its much simpler to hide implant. Im single guy

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:14 pm
by Hawkman
Dr. Eid told me he has a patient that has been married 18 months and his wife does not know. She asked him recently if he was taking too much Viagra.

Since I am very married maybe I have a hard time relating but I think I would have no problem even bragging about my bionic penis especially after the first encounter after she saw it provided all the anxiety-free sex that relatively few males can guarantee.

I would confidently say, " you just had a small sample of Male 2.0 with a bionic penis that will NEVER let either of us down. If you want to leave you better go now because I don't want to ruin you for your future lovers." and smile. Exude some confidence and stop worrying.

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:01 pm
by Hawkman
You said no jokes and this is not a joke. It is a comparison or a parable to illustrate the utter lack of logic behind your defensive position. Remeber that the sexiest women are those that are confident. Don't go through life defensive.

Imagine I told you I was having wild unrestrained sex with a confident lady with a great personality and as things were reaching a screaming peak. She is bouncing these wonderful boobs in my face and driving me wild. In my crazed state, I hit the light switch with one hand to see her in action. Somehow I notice a hairline scar under her one breast and I ask if she had breast augmentation. She says, "yes because I wanted a set I could really appreciate. Do you like them"? I immediately withdrew, kicked her out of my bed, and told her to leave. I told the story to all the guys down at the lodge. We all sit around and laugh about her and they are so glad they were not the one that had sex with her. now, no one in the community will date her.

In reality, we all know she would be the most popular girl in town and guys would be in a brawl trying to horn in on each other.

Nothing is less sexy than insecurity. You suffer from insecurity because you have taught yourself to be self-conscious about your ability. Even without an implant that can be overcome. With an implant, your ability will be restored long before you train yourself to be secure in who you are and carry yourself like you are confident and exceptional.

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:19 pm
by smphead
Thanx guys, that comments make sense!!! Feeling better now about this!

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:46 pm
by justanotherdrumber
Say, "Wanna' see a magic trick ?"

Then wave a bandana over over your dick, allowing it to parachute over the top hiding it from view.

Reach under the bandana, grab the bulb and pump. She wont be able to tell what your doing and even IF she began to suspect something it would seem too far fetched to be believable.

Mumble some magical connotation like "Ababacadabera" or something corny like that.

Watch her eyes as the bandana magically rises before her. :shock:

See how long it takes her to remove the bandana. :o

Next, ... laugh wickedly ! :twisted:

Re: Single guys, what do you tell your date?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:31 am
by smphead

This is exactly a useless reaction i was afraid of. That's why i said please no jokes.

It's a serious question also for a lot of guys in their twenties and thirties who are depressed and even suicidal about there ED and the frightening there is no solution.
Answers like yours don't help them.