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Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:48 am
by Funny9097
torless50 wrote:
I'll have it, since this seems to be the only solution

most young people with whom I spoke want to recover some of the lost time, because being young and with ED ends up destroying you

On these two points:

Having an implant because 'it seems to be the only solution' is reasonable so long as it does restore health

I agree with you that a lot of young guys who get an implant want to 'recover lost time'. I think it's similar to young guys that never had ED in the first place though - one would expect to see some implantees that are single and some moving on to long term relationships / possibly children (that is, assuming the implant does what we want it to such as restore confidence/stability on the sex front)

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:24 am
by Cnidium
If you stick around until October 5th, you will get to see how I live with an implant. I am 27.

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:45 am
by alibaba
Cnidium wrote:If you stick around until October 5th, you will get to see how I live with an implant. I am 27.

:D ;)

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:56 am
by dg_moore
If you want kids, single or not, it seems to me that your chances would be better with than without an implant if your ED has advanced to that stage.

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:24 pm
by Funny9097
dg_moore wrote:If you want kids, single or not, it seems to me that your chances would be better with than without an implant if your ED has advanced to that stage.

I don't disagree with you dg_moore but that sets the bar really low

I will be getting an implant and it is alarming to me that there are a lack of stories people ~my age (20-40) recounting going from single to long term relationship/ possibly kids

This isn't just because I might want that one day. It's that living with ED being single / the occasional sexual encounter (say 'pumped up' on Cealis or injections) is the easy part. You don't really have to open up with a partner to achieve that. I bet with an implant it would be no different

In that sense just my opinion but if people are going from single to implant and long term relationship/maybe even kids that is a truer testament to whether they restore confidence and are effective in the single younger age group

Cdnium- I agree. I will also track my story to help give perspective to people in a similar situation in the future

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:07 am
by ED2013
I agree with making up for lost time. Many young ppl with ed, including myself go through complete hell. Once that burden is lifted and you are able to fuck as long as you want, sex becomes fun like it is supposed to be. It's kinda like starting your dating life all over again years later.

Re: are there any single implantees having relationships/kids?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:25 pm
by Lost Sheep
LilyIncex wrote:Old thread but anyway... I don't think implants play such an important role. The basic thing is love and understanding.

I agree, sort of.

Having an implant can increase the number (and sexual quality) of a man's contacts with marriage candidates. There are several men here who, lacking erectile capacity, took themselves out of the dating pool and sought erectile help by medications, injections or implants for the express purpose of having relationships and with eventual marriage in mind. I don't know if such men are in statistically significant numbers, but they do exist.