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Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:53 pm
by Brad89
Hey Senatephoto, i saw your thread you started, i was his third of the day, i sent you a PM yesterday asking you what your thoughts were on the whole process.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:05 pm
by PCHelp76180
Congratulations Brad89, welcome to club bionic! Yes the pain in the abdomen is normal, it will get better after about 3 weeks. No lifting or bending. I was told to wait 48 hours to shower, and 10 days for a bath.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:11 pm
by padreest
hey guys,
goig on 80 and just had 4th major spinal surgery one of the amazing benefits of it is the ability to orgasm.
not been able to do for some time. sufficient hard for solo but not marital. ron

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:08 pm
by KMeister
Brad89 wrote:So I have been on FrankTalk off and on for almost two years talking to guys in the chatroom and reading these posts. After talking with many in the chatroom I decided to get an implant. It was a very tough decision for me, as I am only 25 years old and currently single,. I had my surgery done yesterday the 29th, this is the first surgery I have ever had so i was not sure what to expect, but so far so good, I have to say the catheter may have been the worst part. It kept me up all night and it was very unpleasant to take it out this morning. the area is of course still very sore but I'm sure that is expected. I decided to go with AMS LGX, the doctor said he cut the cylinders to 21cm, which seems very long to me but I trust he knows what he's doing. I do have a question for anyone who may know though. My lower abdomen is very sore and sensitive, I cannot clear my throat, cough, or even talk loudly without a shooting pain down my lower abdomen where the reservoir is located. Is this normal? it is to the point where i get a deep pain in my abdomen if I even move.

Congrats on taking the plunge. Take to pain meds, dude. That's what they're for.


Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:05 pm
by Brad89
So I took the jock strap off this morning as it was becoming unbearable. Since then I have just been wearing loose boxers. My question is are loose boxers OK to wear or do i need something tight to support my scrotum? A lot of the posts i have read on here most guys are wearing something for support. My doc told me is was OK to let everything hang freely. I'm hanging at about 5 inches right now and wearing the jock strap or briefs is very uncomfortable. Any responses would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:36 pm
by MickCrowder
First congrats on joining our ever growing club! Hope it keeps going really great for you.
Im guessing it must be different for an AMS implant than a Coloplast Titan. Im 4 weeks out from surgery and have a Titan. I still have to wear something for support - either snug briefs or a jock strap. But it isnt just for my scrotum. If i let it hang i get an aching at the base of my penis where it attaches to my body. Feels like a fold in the implant tubes or something and it kinda hurts. Im mostly deflated and it feels a lot better pointed up. Im about 6.5 inches.
Regardless it is all about what your doctor tells you. Since yours says let it hang then boxers it is. I would rather wear those myself if i could.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:25 am
by chiali09
Guys, Kramer alum here myself. 6.17.15. Guy is the real deal. Do exactly what he says (I didn't). I honestly would not touch a thing until Day 28 or later when it isn't tender at all down there any more. I will give u more later. At the 6 week mark I got to my original size. The first month I didn't think that was possible and thought to myself "not everyone hits a home run, I just hit a triple." Boy was I wrong. One word for you. Look at yourself everyday and say it. "patience!" I had sex for the first time since surgery yesterday (Day 45)! Well worth the wait.

Congrats! I'll keep checking back in.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:26 am
by Brad89
Thank you Mick, I suppose as long as I'm comfortable. Best of luck with your recovery

Thank you to everyone who has posted I really appreciate the help.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:02 pm
by FlaDon
I agree with Mick, just wear whatever is comfortable for you. It was never suggested that I wear a jock strap after surgery, and I found anything constricting in any way was painful. I wore very loose clothing for as long as I could, and was finally able to comfortably wear briefs after about 8 weeks. That "fold pain" does disappear...just give it time. Mine was gone by week 10.

Re: Just got my Implant

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:14 am
by RugbyDave
Congratulations Brad - like everyone else says, give it time. I had similar pain to start but it soon goes.
