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Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:10 pm
by UTprospect
Thanks for allowing me to join "the brotherhood" I also have been doing research at So far they like the AMS 700 LGX as does LGX Man .. I do not see a reference to the LGX on the AMS site only the 700 Series 3.. Is this an update to LGX. Can the insert be ordered in different sizes??

Your offering of your report is a most kind and generous gift to the readers.. Thank you!!!!
I am doing similar research that you have. I do not have Peyronies. I have had a prostatectomy and implant is prescribed.. Can you please share your research and experiences?? I am a bit skeptical of Doctors my " world class" urologists said that I had 90% that I would have full recovery. Real life end users information is what I seek.
Do you have any new info since your last post??
Your diary is quite specific about the part that concerns men and women: that is length, girth, glans enlargement etc.. I am considered “well endowed" not a freak but my partner is quite happy with the look and feel. I currently use the Triple P injection with excellent results when the med is fresh..
I experience erections in the morning.. some of which are quite hard but mostly not strong enough to permit easy penetration. I currently also take 5 MG Cialis daily which is getting expensive at $200+ per month for seven 20 MG tabs which I bite off at about 5 MG. What should I expect now that you have had more than 3 years experience??
Jack's blog is excellent and you can read this and others at

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:46 pm
by Bionic_by_AMS
LGX_Man wrote:naturally once again I do not agree. USE IT A LOT and pump it as big as you can get it. WHen it starts hurting, play with it a bit til it stops and then pump it some more!

It's the only way you're going to get all the length out of it that you can get. So many guys wimp out at this point and then complain later that it didn't get to it's maximum size. You only have just SO LONG before the scar tissues takes over guys. LIke from one week to a few months, that's IT!

Ya wanna take it easy, then do not count on it getting to it's full potential, and then don't complain about it either.

I guess you missed my point ... I would rather have "confortable" intercourse ... there are other times of the day for maxium stretching

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:05 am
by Bionic_by_AMS
UTprospect wrote:Thanks for allowing me to join "the brotherhood" I also have been doing research at So far they like the AMS 700 LGX as does LGX Man .. I do not see a reference to the LGX on the AMS site only the 700 Series 3.. Is this an update to LGX. Can the insert be ordered in different sizes??

This is their product line from the Surgical Operating Manual


The cylinder length is measured in the operating room by a special tool ... the cylinder diameter is "one-size-fits-all". Talk to your URO as some prefer different models, explain your preferences.

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:52 am
by Bionic_by_AMS
I thought I would give an update ... it's been about 5 months since my Implant surgery. Progress has been slow but steady ... pumping is much easier now that the cylinders have stretched. The tips are still a little tender when max pumped ... however you don't need to be max pumped for sex.

5months.jpg (141.1 KiB) Viewed 5852 times

Several guys have asked about using a vacuum pump with your Implant ... I notice a increase in the glans size and also along the bottom of shaft where you get the oval shape from. Wife says she can feel the difference and the below silicone ring does not get in the way ... Now I would not advise using a VED when you are flaccid, but pump it up first before you try ... in the above image you can see I'm about 6 3/4" erect ... with the VED I get to about 7" or more, however I have venous leak so some of the girth increase fades after a while.
ImplantVED.jpg (49.83 KiB) Viewed 5850 times

I (we) have no regrets at all and I'm glad I didn't wait as long as some guys here have ...

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:26 pm
by Bionic_by_AMS
Thought I'd post an update ... it's been 14 months since my Implant surgery. I must say it's been fantastic ... oh the joys of medical science. The expansion seems to have ended, however at 7.25" length, 5.25" girth, max pumped ... I'm certainly not complaining.

Yes, I still pump everyday ... and VED several times a week, just to keep up mainly the glans and underside girth expansion. The oval shape still exists ... where I'm wider than thicker. However a ring and a little VED cures that ... as you can see I can top out in a 8" tube.
ved-implant.jpg (107.07 KiB) Viewed 5651 times

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:44 am
by chandlerman4649

I also got my "membership" card and pump while in recovery room. Neat.


Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:54 am
by PFracture
Amazing post that should be stickied for the future.... Very useful for everybody.

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:46 pm
by charlesr
I read somewhere that one of the guys told his girlfriend that the keyring was a remote. Never did say if she believed him . . .

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:26 am
by Bionic_by_AMS
Hey everyone ... I thought I would post a 11 year update ...

No size lost after 11 years and I'm now 71 ... no issues and it works each and every time. Keeps the wife happy too!! Below is a screenshot ...

Re: New member of the Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:58 am
by HikerMan
[quote="Bionic_by_AMS"]My journey began much like many others here ... once I learned I would need Robotic Prostatectomy (Dec 15, 2011 - $98,526) I began a daily routine with a
cheap Vacuum pump and several supplements to increase blood flow. After prostrate surgery I did not lose any length, flaccid.

I continued to use the vacuum pump daily to maintain the blood flow, however even with daily Cailis and my own Viagra, I was no longer able to achieve an
erection, although that was expected ... At 2 months I talked with my Uro about Trimix, did the "test shot" in his office. This produced a slight erection,
so I was given a script and told to adjust dosage as needed.

Trimix did not agree with me ... 3 out of the next 6 injections resulted in a visit to the ER, with the first visit being an overnight stay ($14,000). Now I
don't want to discourage anyone from trying injections as it works great, but for me 3 bouts of priapism was enough and probably damaged my erection
abilities in the future.

One of the best things I took away from reading the Forums here was the comments that "they wished they hadn't waited so long to decide to get an implant". So while I was in the ER (3rd trip) getting my penis drained by the surgeon/Uro that did my Prostatectomy, I asked about an implant which he agreed was most likely my only option now.

Well 6 month after prostrate surgery, I'm here to report it's five weeks (June 13, 2012) after getting a AMS 700LGX (21cm with 3cm extenders - $17,000) and
let me tell you ... glad I didn't wait either! The swelling is pretty mush gone, still a little scrotal discoloration, but that should clear up soon. The scrotal
incision (no stitches used Durabond - same as my Prostatectomy) is healing well. Pump is laying down behind my right testicle. Penis discoloration is from priapism and the vacuum pump.

Now I must say I cheated and pumped up after a week, and have been doing so daily ever since ... trying to stay ahead of the scar tissue.As for loss of size
there was none. Matter of fact I gained 1" in length flaccid and gained 1.5" in girth. Hopefully the erect length will return to pre-surgery size, too early
to tell yet. Had (gentle) sex 2 weeks after implant, with no loss of sensation ... climaxes are different but just as powerful.

So I just wanted to say thanks to the many posters that shared their experiences! This helped me in knowing what to expect ... the tips on underwear (with
pouch) the ice bags and warm baths, microwave rice bag, etc. were right on and appreciated.

First image is flaccid - 5 weeks after surgery. Second image shows the hang (about 5 o'clock flaccid) Third image shows pumped up at 5 weeks ... nothing to brag about but it works and the wife of 40 yrs. is happy!

Welcome aboard, Brother

Same exact thing as you
Radical Prostatectomy and after
hearing about all the " hit and miss" options to regain my erection I headed straight for the implant.

So glad I did..
I just done drilling the eye-sockets out of my wife this morning....

One of the very best decisions I ever made.

I couldn't be happier!