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went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:37 pm
by Jaybo1
or so I thought! Turns out you have to have a morning appointment to get the injection in case something goes wrong. Sigh. Another Appointment on Monday morning. Here is the thing though, the compounding Pharmacy called and I am picking up the alpro tomorrow afternoon. I guess I am going to have to see how good my patience is to wait until Monday (and go to work after) to inject....

what do I do? *ponder*

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:45 pm
by Cigar56
Hi Jaybo1,

Welcome to the dick pricker's club. Once you get it all dialed in you'll love it. Chime in here with questions. You'll get lots of good advice! Good luck with your first shot!

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:05 pm
by Jaybo1
Cigar56 wrote:Hi Jaybo1,

Welcome to the dick pricker's club. Once you get it all dialed in you'll love it. Chime in here with questions. You'll get lots of good advice! Good luck with your first shot!

already got some good feedback on my intro. I'm jut wondering if I should (or can) wait for Monday for my initial injection under supervision or if I just say F it and do it like the youtube videos show you :)

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:58 pm
by Pabowhunter
Jaybo1 wrote:
Cigar56 wrote:Hi Jaybo1,

Welcome to the dick pricker's club. Once you get it all dialed in you'll love it. Chime in here with questions. You'll get lots of good advice! Good luck with your first shot!

already got some good feedback on my intro. I'm jut wondering if I should (or can) wait for Monday for my initial injection under supervision or if I just say F it and do it like the youtube videos show you :)

Id wait it out too many variables .. but if u can't and you are a bit of a risk taker ,. Go for it .. Best case scenario: Successful usable erection.. Worse case scenario: No reaction due to miss CC or hit your target area but under dose maybe get a chubby or nothing at all.. Or the kicker: End up in ER with priapism.. Feeling lucky? I mean , u just be guessing at a start dose pretty much pissing in wind... At least your Dr be taking a educated guess based off your medical history that's even a shot in dark but he set up for emergency.. There is no standard starting dose as you may already know each person prescription and how one reacts is different.. Just my opinion!

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:15 pm
by bldoink
You've waited a year, what's a few more days? If straight alprostadil it degrades quickly. Keep it very cold if not frozen.

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:09 am
by Jaybo1
Well, they already have my prescribed dosage and have told me what my trial dosage will be at the appt. but yeah I should wait but damnit, I haven't had penetrative sex in well over a year so... I suppose I could wait ... but ... sigh

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:32 am
by Cigar56
Hey Jaybo1,

First, as you might imagine, I am not a medical professional. So there's that disclaimer. The worst thing that can happen is that you'll develop a case of priapism -- the dreaded rock hard erection that won't go down. :D Here's a YouTube video showing the hospital emergency room procedure on a guy who came in still hung like a horse after seven hours. Mind you, this video is not for the faint of heart:

Okay, we have that out of the way. If you don't want to wait for the doctor's appointment, then go for it. Tonight start with something way below the starting dose that the doctor recommended. I mean way below. You've got tonight, Saturday and Sunday before your appointment. We're not supposed to inject on back-to-back days but many of us do on occasion.

If your tiny, tiny dose tonight doesn't work, consider another injection (your call) tomorrow with a slightly (and I mean slightly) increased amount of the juice.

Please keep Sudafed on hand. Search the board for discussion about Sudafed. It can help with prolonged erections.

Another thing you can do -- that's safe -- is to simply practice injecting. That's right, you can "inject" with an empty syringe. Search this board for "aspirating." Some guys like to draw a tiny bit of blood into the syringe to confirm that they are in the right spot. You can practice aspirating this weekend with no danger whatsoever.

Whatever you do, please be safe. Remember that the best advice is to just wait for your appointment!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:47 am
by Jaybo1

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:59 pm
by bubbabubba
AUTO INJECTOR.... really makes it less painful to inject.... Unfortunately I had a venous leak so shots didn't work for me...Good luck..

Re: went to my initial appt for my first injection...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:23 am
by Pabowhunter
No news from OP ...Hopefully he enjoying hard times! Then again hopefully disaster hasn't struck!
Crickets nothing but crickets....
