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Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:04 pm
by Cigar56
Stay with your doc. I am currently at 80/30/3 and I am about to step up to 100/30/3. The 80/30/3 has been pretty good, I must admit, but I want to go for the gold! LOL.

This has been about a two-year journey for me. I can't remember the formula, but I was on an incredibly weak mix at the start -- almost water -- and have been moving up. Now I am almost at the top of the mountain. The good thing is that even at 80/30/3 I am getting awesome results, and look forward to even better now that I am about to max out at 100/30/3.

One thing I have learned is not to worry about the numbers. What works for one guy may do nothing for the next. You're doing the right thing by continuing to talk with your doctor about your experiences.

Good luck to you on your journey!

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:56 am
by NorCol
Was using 30/1/10 but worked up to .45 (45) unite with poor results. Talked with URO and he gave me a new script for Quad Mix 30/1/10/.15 with instruction to start at .1 going up as needed by .05 and not to exceed .3 (30 units). Anyone experienced with this mix? Haven’t tried it out yet.

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:24 pm
by happycamper59
Good news. The new mixture works like a charm. :D

Only used 40 units, still lasted about two hours and was mostly hard the entire time. Would still like a little more rigidity, so I will increase to 45 units next time.

Funny, had a slight pain (it was four times more prostaglandin, after all). And felt "heavy" standing up, but OK laying down. I'm thinking the "heavy" feeling was all the blood in the penis, which is not used to that.

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:36 pm
by bldoink
Great news. You're getting it sorted out. Good times ahead.

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:00 pm
by goodwoodnow
If you were feeling "heavy" when standing, OK laying down it is much more likely to be because of blood pressure drop when standing, (BP dropping gives the heavy or dizzy feeling.) than it was that you had so much blood in your penis! And feeling OK when laying down is sign of your BP returning to more normal level. it is the big variability that you need to watch for

I have a neurological condition for which one of the main symptoms is these BP variations. It's a pain but managable so far. Just make sure to drink a WHOLE lot of water, including starting your day with 20 oz or more before you drink anything else. And be careful if you feel faint. Sit down if possible or at least grab something as quickly as you can while the sensation passes. The condition itself (at least the one version of many that I have) is not life threatening , but fainting can be very bad depending on what you hit on the way down (and out).

And guess what is another common symptom? if you guessed erectile dysfunction you are correct!!! Lucky there are so many great ways to treat that symptom!

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:39 pm
by happycamper59
By "heavy," I meant my rod. A different sensation than previous injections. Slightly painful, but tolerable. And it basically went away when I would lie down.

Re: Tri-Mix strength adjustment

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:38 pm
by Stew52
For me, I call it the prostaglandin ache. Much above 20-25 mcg total and there is a rising burn/ache. On mono-mix it was doing 40 mcg of PGE to be effective, on Tri-Mix I can get this way down. At 30-1-30 x 0.2ml now (= 6 mcg PGE) but the stick needs a bit more. For me, less burn = better E/O. We are all different for sure. Work with your doctor to find the right mix and quantity.