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Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:40 pm
by Rickey11
May I say that full disclosure of your medical needs is necessary here! She deserves to know about that aspect of your life. And, she'll figure it out on her own eventually, and then she'll really be pissed.
If she cannot handle you using medication therapy to help you with ED, then you need to move on immediately. But be honest with no lies of omission. And good luck!

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:11 pm
by dtwarren1942
Somehow you need to get her to understand that injections are not the same as introducing medication into your systems. Injections only effect the function of you CC.
Also, it's you body not hers.

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:33 am
by PFracture
Cigar56 wrote:Two things: I think you should come clean with it. Your love and trust for one another is more important than even sex. Second, I think you should consider an implant. Just my two cents. Good luck!

Hey... i am trying to avoid conflict as much as possible, but...
1- trust is already gone here, on one side.
2-this shows some serious issues on this relationship...
3-no offense meant.

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:19 am
by jelquinginjury
you need sex, then she should understand

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:50 pm
by rahod1
To original poster...any thoughts on replies so far. You've been very quiet?

BTW...after mulling it over and reading some replies...the *TRUST* issue rings true here.
Your wife should be MUCH more understanding and her attitude has a selfish ring to it. Is she really concerned about YOUR welfare as far as ED drugs? You should be able to confront her and she *should* be understanding here. After all, if you're happy (actually BOTH OF YOU ARE!), she should be as well.

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:58 pm
by hoping4it
I guess I never told her because the relationship was always more important than the sex to me. Having a previous wife who left me, because she felt I was less than a man, left a scar that I'm still dealing with. Ill tell her... but I am definitely tormented by this. :shock:

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:35 pm
by rahod1
hoping4it wrote:I guess I never told her because the relationship was always more important than the sex to me. Having a previous wife who left me, because she felt I was less than a man, left a scar that I'm still dealing with. Ill tell her... but I am definitely tormented by this. :shock:

She needs to explain to you WHY she feels the way she does about this. Right now it seems very arbitrary..with no real reasoning. If she loves and cares about you, then she shouldn't threaten to withdraw sex just because you use injections.
If a Dr prescribed this for you, then THAT should tell her it's an ACCEPTABLE treatment!

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:54 am
by treetop
This is tormenting you....
Just tell her.. and when you do, show your feelings, show your torment... She want's you happy, not tormented.
Once you open up and are completely transparent with her, then your torment will be gone.

Then... worst case, she says she would rather not have sex if it means you taking any medication, then you can deal with that.
But she may accept an Implant.

Best case she opens up and is open to what you both decide, and you will have someone to help you through all of this. That is what love is all about, and being married. Sharing our pain and torments, as well as all the good and beautiful things that life has to answer.

Holding this is is worst then just getting it out.
Pull the trigger.....

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:01 pm
by hoping4it
I told her yesterday that I was using Trimix for erections. It was pretty intense at first. I had seen the uro earlier in the day and he given me plenty of factual advise. I explained how Trimix worked compared to pills. I told her I was concerned because she was so against ED pills and her natural approach thing. She explained that there are so many side effects with the pills. She had a "friend" :o of hers who had severe reactions to viagra and had a seizure. Never heard of that before. But maybe it was a one in a million thing or maybe he had a medical condition. But she said she was willing to forgo sex :cry: if it meant putting me in danger ;) . I love this girl. She said shes ok with trying the Trimix thing, we will see. So if you see a post on here by a curios lady, asking if Trimix is organic? SAY YES !!!! No LOL :lol:

Thanks everybody

Re: Hiding Trimix Use from the Wife

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:53 pm
by treetop

Congratulations!! So happy you told her, and yes, all of us would chose life over sex.
The good news is that you don't have to make that choice, and she is willing to try it.
Plus, I believe she will get used to the idea :) And enjoy sex!!

Good choice... I hope you keep us up to date with any updates :)