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Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:03 pm
by Stew52
I was doing very good with 0.50 ml of 80 mcg/ml PGE injections then - bam - it started not working so well. Neurologist had put my on 1200mg/dy gabapentin, 16mg tizanidine (muscle relaxer) and some Celebrex for PN and radiated pain into my legs from my lumbar back issues (radiculopathy).

Comments here are mixed on gaba impacts and could find nothing on muscle relaxers. Yes, NSAID's impact orgasm but I already have bad anorgasmia.

TIA for insights, B

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:03 am
by bldoink
I'd be concerned about all three drugs. Plus I think all three are not friends of your liver.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:11 am
by Pumpkinman
It doesn't sound like its the injections not working all of a sudden but the other combination of medications messing with your system.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:36 am
by Old Guy
Sorry for the sudden no go. Any drug has some sort of side effect. Unfortunately, it sounds like your doc put you on some meds that affect more than they fix. Talk to the doc and see if there are other meds with fewer side effects.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:13 pm
by Stew52
Yea, gabapentin "less common" side effect is "inability to have or keep an erection". Have tried Cymbalta and Lyrica already which had worse side-effects for me. SO time to wane off gaba and see just how bad the legs and PN hurts. Ugh.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:30 pm
by Martin6469
Stew: Years ago, before old age anorgasmia set in, I took gabapentin at a lower dose than you and it caused severe anorgasmia, which disappeared when I went off it. Maybe you can schedule sex days and go off it maybe 48 hours ahead.

The gaba had no effect on my sildenafil erection.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 6:04 pm
by Stew52
So I got off all the nerve drugs, only do a very small ACEI dose. Been injecting for 7 1/2 yeas with good success but an increasing dose over time.

But as per above, I found my reaction to a stronger dose (0.6ml or 60 units) of strong mix (80mcg PGE+) was fading. It wasn't as hard, didn't last as long, and there was far less burn. It seemed to drop off pretty quickly.

I supplement with 1-2 10mg Cialis. As for assistance, I've been doing 2x EndoPeak sex herbs, L-Arginine, L-CItruline, Ginko, a nitric oxide promoter NEO40 and Niacin. I've been doing VED regularly (great girth), mild jelquing, and regular sex. The unit's appearance was good. But . . .

But still response to the stronger injection was fading.

So I indented for a Phoenix "shock-wave" therapy device. Did my first month, a month "rest" from it and VD 2x a day as recommended, and just started my 2nd series.

It 's early days yet, but seems to be working. Actually got insertion and thrusting without a injection for the first time in a long time, but I did one anyway at a break to last longer and thrill my bride. SO far, I can use less injectable, it lasts longer, it stays harder, on the downside the refractory period is longer, and the burn is back, all like several years ago after I started injecting with great success.

I've always thought the burn was bad juju. Anything that burns can't be good, but it came with the package. My theory is that the chemical(s) were scarring the cavernosa and over time it was getting more "immune" to the drug. Hence increasing the dose slowly over time. The Phoenix device induces tissue healing by stimulating a naturally induced healing and stem cell response. I theorize that the damaged tissue is healing and is now again more susceptible to the chemicals reaction, as well as in general improvement in function. I also note bigger veins popping out and longer flaccid length (girth from VED is great). Phoenix says in my inquiry that it will not fix venous leakage, but I just want the injection to work as it has in the past. So, so far, so good. They say the 2nd round is the money shot so I'll report out in a while.

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:50 am
by Vesley8kim
Hey there! I've been contemplating shockwave therapy myself, but I'm still on the fence. Your experience sounds really intriguing and motivating. I've also noticed that over time, the response to injections can diminish, and the idea that shockwave therapy might help to restore tissue and improve outcomes sounds compelling. I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates on how the therapy progresses. Good luck!

Re: Was Doing OK Then . . . No Go

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:01 pm
by Stew52
Did my 5th session on round #2 in month 3 (one month "on", one "off", then one "on", etc.) I have been reducing a strong mix (80mcg PGE, started with 20mcg TM 7 1/2 years ago), in 0.05m increments and 0.35 today. Still too strong and an amazing result with penetration and 10 min thrusting w/o injection. A first since starting pills wayyyy back (which stopped working at 100mg). Injected and supercharged rock hard. Best ever. I was concerned that TM/PGE had run its course. Just 2 months ago, at 80mcg and 0.60ml, it was limpish, didn't last longer than 3 minutes, and, noticeably, there was no burn. Had to resort to an uncomfortable ring. URO saud implant was next up. No way am I getting cored. I had a lot more left today after I got the white flag at 50 minutes and a near comatose wife. I do a lot for PT: workout, sex herbs, L-Citruine, CBD gummies, PT with CiIalis 5mg most days, have been VED 2x a day per Phoenix protocol and long before starting that (noticeably increased girth). "Morning wood" every time I wake up and upon rising now. Something is working and it's more than just herbs!!! Happy customer. Anorgasmia still there, working on that next if I can get the injectable down or eliminated. After my 2nd month "on", I'll write a review on the Phoenix site and here. The challenge is that I'm doing so many things it's hard to tell but I'd been doing all that above for quite a while except the L-Citruline (a NO precurser).