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Hi From 32 Australian

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:48 am
by maloo8
Been lurking around here for a few years now. I had a pretty bad motorcycle accident a few years ago which resulted in some degree of ED. The left side of my penis has been damaged. Anyhows I have been taking as many tablets as possible which worked well for the first few years but have now started to tail off. I went to the GP this week and was prescribed caverject shots. Had the first one last night after a bit of messing around and being all scared of needles, I was impressed with the result....I figured one day I would start to inject ....I just hoped it was a few years later .

At least now my mates won't be stealing my ED drugs.....I can't imagine them wanting to put a stick in their prick.

I will update things about me as they progress.

Re: Hi From 32 Australian

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:02 am
by Titan_Man
Hey Maloo8,

Glad to see things are progressing for you. I have run the full length of different options from rings and pumps to injections. I have found that this sight offers so much support and guidance through all aspects of ED. I hope to he's of your progress and offer a friendly congratulations on taking another step towards a working solution for your ED. If there is anything I can do from answering questions or giving advice, or even just being someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can be reached through he PM here or if you like, you can use my email as well. Good luck to you, and hope that you find what your looking for.

Best wishes,

Re: Hi From 32 Australian

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:21 am
by newly1
I just started a T medicine to help with ed hopefully, Its from Austrailia. Axiron.

Im not young

Re: Hi From 32 Australian

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:35 am
by Titan_Man

Are you referring to Testosterone replacement therapy? If so, that will help with libido and energy levels, but doesnt usually help with ED. Have you tried any other options for treating your ED?